Bootcamp Participant Start Form
Thank you for your interest in a Digital Skills Bootcamp with The Coders Guild. Please complete the questions on this form to allow us to check your initial eligibility to study on our programme. Once you have completed this form, if you are eligible we will second you a second form to complete your enrolment. Then we can book you a meeting with our team to confirm your place and your starting date.

The questions on this form ask for key information required by the Government''s contractors to enable this programme to be fully funded. Many of the questions require an answer but please feel free to select 'Prefer not to say' on any questions you are not comfortable answering.

If you do not wish to complete this form at this stage, please register your details with us via this link and we can follow up with you at a later date for progress your enrolment: 

If completing a form like this is difficult for you to manage please get in touch and we will arrange an alternative way for you to apply.

This form should only take 5 minutes for you to complete.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
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