Blr Creative Circus : Breath-work and Ayurveda Immersion Program - Level 1
Breath-Centered Asanas Practice  & Breathwork/Pranayama (45 mins)


Workshops (45 mins)
  1. To Understand the Science behind Breathing
  2. To Learn Ayurveda Basics to gain more awareness about your body
Program Starts on Jan 3rd 2025 and ends on Mar 21st 2025, every Friday 6 to 7 30 pm

About the teacher

Aparna Ravikumar is certified in the Krishnamacharya Tradition as a Yoga Teacher from Yogavahini, Chennai.

Her yoga journey began during her second pregnancy, 8 years ago. Yoga, to her, back then, was “asanas”! Over time, she has evolved as a student and practitioner, gradually uncovering the deeper essence of Yoga through her practice. She has been studying Ayurveda from an Ayurvedic Doctor for four years. Implementing lifestyle and nutrition changes tailored to her family members' needs has been a significant aspect of her journey, alongside ongoing studies in Ayurveda.

She currently teaches Yoga in a few schools in and around Bangalore. She also conducts personalized one-on-one classes for a few adults. She also leads immersion programs designed to help individuals understand fundamental aspects of living, such as proper breathing, understanding nutrition, and making lifestyle adjustments tailored to one's body.

She also plays the role of being a mother of 2, a partner in a family business and a sitar practitioner!
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