URGENT Sign-On: Support G77 rejection of the current text

Civil society at COP29 in Baku will deliver the below letter to the G77, collectively drafted in a large cross-constituency gathering, to support their rejection of the current negotiating text as of the evening of 22nd November 2024. We are collecting organizational signatures by hand in Baku and invite global civil society or those not present at the venue to sign on using this form below. The letter will be delivered before midnight local time (GMT+4) 22nd November. Please sign on before 10:30pm local time/6:30pm GMT to ensure your signature is included.

The letter is open to signatures by civil society organizations only.

To the countries and blocs of the G77+China,

We, the collective civil society constituencies and members present at COP29, and with broader global civil society behind us, wholeheartedly support you in rejecting the current negotiating text. This text is absolutely unacceptable and gives the developed countries a complete exit from their obligations to provide climate finance for developing countries.

We urge you to stand up for the people of the Global South and we insist - no deal in Baku is better than a bad deal, and this is a very, very bad deal because of the intransigence of developed countries. If nothing sufficiently strong is forthcoming at this COP we urge you to walk away from the table to fight another day, and we will fight the same fight. 


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