2025-Dance Company Audition Form
Please use this form to register for Dance Company Auditions
Must Attend Information Meeting: January 25th: 6th and 7th grade 3:00 pm....5th grade 4:00pm  
(parent attendance is optional, but highly encouraged)
Must Attend Clinic February 1st-3:30-5:30 pm
Auditions: February 2nd 1:45-5:30 pm 
*You will be taught two dances at the clinic and will perform the dances for the judges during the auditions
Mrs. Johnson is not one of the judges
There will not be a second audition
You must fill out this form to audition
Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First  Name *
Student Full Address *
Student's current grade in school *
Parent or Guardian Name *
Parent or Guardian Phone Number *
Parent or Guardian Email Address (This will be used to distribute audition results) *
Parent or Guardian Full Address  *
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