Tithe Nomination
ANTN is grounded in the tithing principle and the teachings of the New Thought Movement and, therefore, holds tithing as a high and holy spiritual practice.

We define a tithe as 10% of ANTN's total gross income given to individuals or organizations that provide spiritual nourishment to ANTN and/or its members. Spiritual nourishment is defined as that which reminds us of who we really are and supports our spiritual growth and development. We recognize that the Source of that nourishment is unlimited and can flow from one or more channels.

ANTN members are invited to recommend an organization or individual who has provided such spiritual nourishment for consideration by the Board of Directors as a tithe recipient according to the ANTN Tithing Policy.

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Nominee Information
Nominee Name *
Contact person (if applicable)
Nominee email *
Postal address *
Nomination Details
Briefly describe what this person or organization does in the world.  Include types of programs/services provided, who they serve, etc. *
Please describe how this person or organization spiritually nourishes ANTN and/or its membership. *
Describe your relationship with this person or organization.  Include financial or relationship connections (if any). *
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