Earth Science Practice Quiz 1
Choose the best answer for each questions. Some questions may have more than one correct answer. You will receive immediate feedback on your responses. Good luck!
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What is the difference between explosive and effusive eruptions?
1 point
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A convergent boundary is when: *
1 point
What was the unified land mass that contained today's continents? *
1 point
True or false: The deepest layer of rock is the youngest layer.
1 point
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Which theory came first, the continental drift or plate tectonics? *
1 point
What are the four layers that make up Earth? *
1 point
What answer is in the correct order from earliest to latest? *
1 point
Which best explains how albedo contributed to the creation of Snowball Earth?
1 point
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Which diagram shows a positive feedback system? Choose all that apply.
1 point
What is the importance of matching fossils from eastern coast South America and western coast of Africa? *
1 point
If we place the Earth on a 24-hour clock, approximately what time did the first animal appear? *
1 point
True or false: If volume is constant, then density doesn't affect displacement. *
1 point
Where do the Earth's layers come from? *
1 point
What is occurring at the mid-Atlantic Ridge?
1 point
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Is it a rock? Check all that apply.
1 point
What factor determines whether an item will float or sink?
1 point
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Choose the best definition for the Law of Superposition: *
1 point
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