Family Survey -- Elementary Specials Classes for SY24-25
Attention ALL Families & Future Families of E-HPS,

We currently have a vacancy for an elementary specials subject area for the upcoming school year since our STEM teacher is moving into a classroom teaching position at Verellen.  Getting feedback from our families is critical as we determine what our Young 5s through 4th Grade students have access to regarding their specials classes.  Our specials classes are indicated below:
  • Physical Education 
  • Music & Mindfulness (includes both music content and mindfulness content) 
  • Art (NEW in February 2024) 
  • ??? To Be Determined ??? (has been STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) 
We are working to strengthen science education in all classes.  The addition of the STEM specials class was never intended to replace science instruction.  There is significant value in having STEM as an additional class; however, we want input from families about what you would like the 4th special class to be as there is also significant benefits to learning a world language at a young age.  We would like your input on which special class we should have for the upcoming school year.
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) OR
SURVEY DUE:  Thursday, May 9 
One Response Per Person
Email *
Which special class would you like for the upcoming school year? *
OPTIONAL:  Any additional information that you would like to share....
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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