District Wharf Performer Booking Inquiry 
Thank you for your interest in performing at The Wharf. Please fill out the information below so we can add you to our outreach roster. Please note, our available performance dates do fill quickly, but we add opportunities throughout the year, so we encourage you to submit your information.
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What is your band/artist name? *
Name of best contact? *
What is your email address? *
What is your cell? *
If you work with a booking agency or manager, please put their name, email and cell here.
What is your website URL or Facebook link?  (where can we see video or a set list) *
What genre do you associate with most?
Have you played at the Wharf before? If so, when and where?
Do you perform as a (check all that apply)
If a full band - how many people on stage at a time?
What do you charge for a two hour solo performance?
What do you charge for a two hour duo performance?
What do you charge for a two hour trio performance?
What do you charge for a two hour full band performance?
Do you have your own sound equipment for solo/duo/trio performances?
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Is there anything else you would like to tell us about you and/or your band?
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