Virtual Meetup Proposal Form
Interested in attending or facilitating a meeting around a particular topic? Please tell us about it! We'll review these suggestions to identify potential topics for future Virtual Meetups!

Meetups are designed to be informal, community-building events that help the RRLC community stay connected. Topics of interest may include: marketing and social media, academic libraries, etc.

Questions? Contact Tina Broomfield at
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Name *
Email address *
What topics would you like RRLC to organize a virtual meet up around? *
Are you interested in co-facilitating a virtual meet up on this topic? *
Are you engaging other co-facilitators? If so, please list their names and contact information here
Describe what you would like to discuss about this topic *
What questions would you like to pose during the meet up? *
Is there any other information you'd like to tell us about this virtual meet up topic proposal?
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