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Pristopna izjava / Membership form
Pred pristopom se zeznani s statutom Društva Tipo Brda / Read our Tipo Brda society statute before becoming a member:
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* Indicates required question
Ime / Name
Your answer
Primek / Surname
Your answer
Datum rojstva / Date of bitrh
Kraj rojstva / Place of birth
Your answer
Naslov stalnega prebivališča / Primary home adress
Ulica / Name of your street
Your answer
Poštna številka / Post code
Your answer
Pošta / Post
Your answer
Kontaktni podatki / Contact
Telefon (gsm) / Telephone (mobile)
(Celotna številka npr. +386 51 700 700.)
Your answer
Your answer
Včlanitev / Registration
Opombe (npr. če je plačnik računa pravna oseba, vnesi njene podatke) / Comment (e.g. if the invoice payer is a legal entity, enter its details)
Your answer
Imam status študenta / I have a student status
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