HI International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program: Tutor Registration 
Hanlin Institute (HI), Hanlin Education Foundation of America, is a platform supporting students and parents who help each other to build up positive, creative, competitive and confident students.

Thank you for your interest in our volunteer tutoring program. Please fill out the form to be an International English Tutor Volunteer. We will get back to you soon.

We prefer applicants from Grade 8 and up.

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Hello everyone! HI has launched International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program, to better assist students in helping the community and creating a better world, in the mean time, becoming outstanding individuals that universities seek. You can participate as a volunteer, tutoring students from around the world, including USA, in English, or helping adults who have recently arrived in the US and need to improve their English. You can also apply for positions as a tutor or leader in the program.

Volunteering can be done online from home, and volunteer hours can be logged. Applications for the program are accepted on a rolling basis.

大家好!为了更好地协助学生帮助社区以及创建更美好的世界,同时也成为大学希望寻找的优秀学生 。翰林教研中心开设《HI国际在线英语辅导项目》。您可以通过做义工,线上辅导来自世界各地学生的英语,当然包括美国,也可以辅导刚来美国, 英语有待提高的成人。您可以申请项目辅导老师和领导职位喔。

您可以在家线上做义工,并可申请义工时间。项目接受滚动报名。请扫海报二维码或用报名链接: https://bit.ly/HIEnglishTutor 

Student First and Last name 学生全名 *
Student Email Address 学生电子邮件 *
Your current grade at your school? 学校年级 *
Parent/Guardian full name 家长姓名 *
Contact phone number 联络电话 *
Parent/Guardian Email address 家长电子邮件 *
Parent/Guardian Wechat ID 家长微信 *
Which position do you want to apply for?  您想申请哪个职位 *
What tutoring time do you prefer? 50 minutes one time.   您方便的辅导时间?每次50分钟。
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Please show us a video about your self-introduction  around 2-3 minutes. Please upload your video to your Gmail YouTube as a UNLISTED video first and then share us the video link below. 请录制一个时长约为2-3分钟的自我介绍视频。请先将您的视频上传至您的Gmail YouTube账户,并设置为“不公开”视频,然后在下方分享视频链接给我们。 *
How did you hear about Hanlin Institute International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program  ?您从哪里知道 《HI国际在线英语辅导项目》  ? *
HANLIN INSTITUTE STUDENT/TUTOR CODE OF CONDUCT: As a student tutor participating in the Hanlin Institute International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program  , I agree to: Get ready for the classes at least three minutes ahead of the class time. Maintain a mutually respectful, honest, and safe online learning environment. Use polite and respectful language and absolutely avoid cyberbullying and profanities. Refrain from unlawful discrimination including age, race, gender orientation, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, or disability. Honor an equitable tutor/student relationship. Fulfill commitments made to your student/tutors and tutoring team. Respect the dignity and value of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination. Respect cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status. Not exchange personal information (including name, email address, telephone number, school information, or any other contact social media information) with other people without consent from the tutor's or other learners' parent/legal guardian. I understand that Hanlin Institute /Hanlin Education Foundation of America has the right to remove me from the program temporarily or permanently if I fail to follow the above code of conduct. *
PARENT WAIVER AND RELEASE: I hereby grant my permission and consent for my child, the Minor, to participate in the  Hanlin Institute International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program  through online classes utilizing the Zoom video conferencing service (or other similar services, subject to change with a notice in advance) or other face-to-face trainings or activities.
I understand that the classes are taught mostly by middle or high school students. To ensure cyber safety /security and protect the privacy of my child, I will monitor the Minor for the duration of each class.
I agree and understand that the Minor must comply with the rules and regulations established by Hanlin Institute / Hanlin Education Foundation of America  and that failure to do so may result in the Minor’s removal as a learner/tutor.
I understand the online conferencing services contain audio & video interactions that include the Minor. I may allow the Minor to exchange his/her personal information (name, email address, telephone number, school information, or any other contact social media information) with other students, and tutors upon receiving parental consent from all involved parties. I understand that this exchange represents my consent and permission.
I, the under-agreed parent or legal guardian of the above Minor, for myself and on behalf of the above Minor, willingly and voluntarily accept and assume all risks, or damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of the Minor's voluntary participation in Hanlin Institute Tutoring Program. In consideration of accepting the registration and permitting the voluntary participation of the above Minor in this program, for myself and on behalf of the above Minor, I hereby release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless Hanlin Education Foundation of America or Hanlin Institute, its employees, volunteers, officials, sponsors and other representatives from any claims, lawsuits, demands, costs, expenses and compensation arising out of or in any way related to any physical injury or other damage that may result to the Minor while participating in this program.
I hereby authorize and consent to the use of his/her visual image by the Hanlin Institute/Hanlin Education Foundation of America for appropriate purposes, including but not limited to: still photography, videotape, electronic and print publications, and websites. I give this consent with no claim for payment. I have carefully read this release and waiver and fully understand its contents.
I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between Hanlin Institute/Hanlin Education Foundation of America, its officers, employees, representatives and volunteers and myself and I agree with it of my own free will.
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