Submission form: sākihiwē festival Paris | Deadline: Dec. 2
The sākihiwē festival is partnering with the Canadian Culture Centre in Paris, France to produce a week of programming featuring four Indigenous acts from Canada.

The project is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, FACTOR, the Government of Canada, and Canada's private radio broadcasters.

Set for April 10 - 15, 2022, each act will participate in a showcase, a panel discussion about the Indigenous-owned music industry in Canada, a workshop for middle school students, and meetings with potential team members in Paris.

Please complete each part of the submission form.

Feel free to email Alan Greyeyes ( if you have any questions.
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Artist or Band Name *
Genre *
Please describe the kind of music you perform.
Members *
Please identify the members of your solo act or band and what instruments they play.
Team Member *
Please tell us who will be accompanying you to Paris and identify their role (e.g. manager, agent, publicist, label rep, publisher rep, admin support, etc).
Website *
Please enter the URL for your official artist or band website (Facebook pages, SoundCloud pages, or pages on someone else's website are not eligible). We will be using your website to determine the quality of your marketing materials (promotional photos, biography, videos, and social media).
Current music releases *
Please provide a pivot or a link to your music on Spotify.
Upcoming music releases *
Please give us an approximate or confirmed date for your upcoming releases (album, EP, or singles). Enter "n/a" if you don't have any plans to release new music in 2022 or 2023.
Online performances *
Please provide a link to one or more online performances you did during the pandemic or simply list all of the online performances you did.
French marketing materials *
Can you market new music releases in French?
Rationale *
Please tell us why you would like to showcase and meet music industry professionals in Paris.
Name of contact person *
Email address for contact person *
Cell number for contact person *
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