"Sailing the Worldly Winds"                            Hertford Sangha W/end Retreat, 21-23 Mar 2025
Please use this form to book on the Hertford/ Bury St Edmunds weekend retreat, Fri 21 to Sun 23 March 2025 (7pm Friday to 3pm Sunday). The retreat will be at Vajrasana Retreat Centre, Potash Farm, Walsham-le-Willows, Suffolk, IP31 3AR
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Email *
First and last name *
Gender (for purposes of room allocation) *
Phone number *
Emergency contact name *
Please give the name of the person we should contact during the retreat if there is an emergency concerning you. Their relationship with you would also be helpful if we don't already know.
Emergency contact phone number *
Have you attended a retreat before? *
I have made a payment for the retreat of the following amount (plus optional donation to assist others to come on retreat) *
Please make a payment by bank transfer (BARCLAYS, sort code 20-05-73, Hertford Triratna Buddhist Group, account number 30992534) for one of the following amounts (or more) before booking.
    Please use the bank transfer reference RETR followed by your name until you run out of space, e.g. Kiranadhi (whose legal surname is Cooper), would write "RETRkiranadhicoop". If you are unable to afford the concessionary rate of £100, please talk to us.
My bank payment includes a donation of (if applicable)
(This should be the amount you have transferred minus the rate you have selected in the previous question. Leave blank if you were unable to/ did not include a donation with your payment.)
Bank transfer reference (RETR followed by your name - see the example in the question about payment rate): *
On mixed retreats, separate blocks are assigned for men's and women's accommodation with rooms shared between two to four people. Due to likely numbers of bookings, we will probably not be able to provide you with a room on your own. If you think you have a particular need for a room to yourself, please give details here, with the understanding that we will probably not be able to meet your need. If we find close to the time of the retreat that we can provide any rooms for single occupancy, we will allocate them on the basis of highest need.
    Please contact keithgriggs@gmail.com if you have any questions about this. Many people find sharing a room with someone is actually a very positive experience. If you are concerned about excess noise, please bring ear plugs.
    If you are trans/non-binary/gender diverse and are unsure which accommodation to book, please let us know here so through a discussion we can establish the best arrangement for you.
For purposes of room allocation, we need to ask: are you a snorer? *
Do you have any dietary requirements for medical reasons? If yes, please give details. (Food will in any case be vegan with cow's milk available.) *
Do you have any physical or mental  health conditions that may be relevant to being on retreat, or any accessibility requirements that would enable you to participate? If so, please let us know here. *
At Vajrasana, retreatants participate in a daily period of light duties, such as food preparation, washing up etc. Please let us know if there are any reasons why you would not be able to do this. *
To come on the retreat, you will need to be able to come for the whole weekend (7pm Friday to 3pm Sunday). We ask people to be offline for the weekend, with the use of electronic devices being for essential purposes only (e.g. control of hearing aid volume). An emergency call number will be provided so that you can be contacted in the event of an emergency. If any of this presents any difficulties for you, please give details.
If there is anything else you want to tell us, please use this space. (If you have any questions about the retreat, please contact keithgriggs@gmail.com)

Thanks for filling in this form. By doing so, you agree to for your data to be stored in a digital format. Your data will be kept securely and not shared with third parties. If you wish us to delete your details after the retreat please tell us here.

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