Developing Vermont's Strategic Plan to End Childhood Hunger in Early Childhood Education Settings

Dear Early Childhood Education Provider:

Hunger Free Vermont is working with a vast network of statewide food security organizations and State Agencies in 2024 to build a strategic plan to end childhood hunger in Vermont. We are doing this because we know that 2 in 5 (40%) Vermonters experience hunger. Households with children are twice as likely to experience hunger than Vermonters without children. 

We believe that one of the most important interventions for ending hunger for children is ensuring that children are able to get nutritious meals and snacks in settings where they spend much of their day, like early childhood education (ECE) programs. We know that many ECE programs are already providing some meals and snacks and others are interested in doing this. We want to hear directly from you about your experience providing meals, including your successes and challenges that you may be experiencing in doing this, and your interest in beginning or growing your ability to provide meals and snacks in the future.

We are looking to talk to all types and sizes of programs, and are interested in connecting with ECE programs who do participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), as well as ECE programs who do not participate in the CACFP.

Your input is important. You can sign up to be a part of this project by registering below. If you register to be a part of this project, you will participate in ONE 1.5 hour conversation with child nutrition specialists from Hunger Free Vermont and other food access partners. Each individual participant will also be eligible for an honorarium in the form of a $150 check. 

These conversations will take place from early September to Mid October, 2024. The focus groups will all take place virtually via zoom.

To sign up, please continue with the form below to help us to shape the timing and format of the discussion focus groups.*SPACES ARE LIMITED* so we encourage programs to sign up as soon as possible, as we hope to start convening the focus groups within the next couple of weeks.

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Email *
What is the name of your child care program as it appears in the Bright Futures Information System (BFIS)? *
In which VT county is your early childhood program located? (select all that apply) *
In which VT town is your early childhood program located? (if you have locations in multiple towns, list them all) *
Do you participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)? *
Are you a Head Start Program? *
Choose the designation that best defines your program *
If you chose "other", how would you define your program?
If your program is a LICENSED CENTER, what is the approximate size of your program? (skip if not a licensed center)
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What time of day works for you to have this conversation? (select all times that would work for you) *
Which day of the week works best for you to have this 1.5 hour conversation? (select all dates that would work for you) *
Are you the contact for the food program or person able to make decisions about nutrition programming within your organization?
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If  you are not the contact for the food program or person able to make decisions about nutrition programming within your organization, would you be able to reach out to that person for this project?
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Would you be interested in receiving information and outreach materials from Hunger Free Vermont in the future? If so, we can add you to our email listserv!
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