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Chosen Video Form
This form is for those students doing 'At Home Work' and for students who miss an onsite lesson.
Please note that make-up videos are meant to be watched together by teens and their parent(s) or sponsor.
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Chosen Session #
Lesson 1: Why am I Here?
Lesson 2: What Makes Me Happy?
Lesson 3: What's Your Story God?
Lesson 4: How do I know God is Real?
Lesson 5: Who is Jesus?
Lesson 6: Why be Catholic?
Lesson 7: Where am I going? (The Last 4 Things)
Lesson 8: How do I Get there?( The power and purpose of Sacraments)
Lesson 9: When did my Journey Begin?
Lesson 11: How does God Help when it Hurts?
Lesson 12: Who is the Holy Spirit?
Lesson 13: What does the Holy Spirit do for Me?
Lesson 14: Why have I been Chosen?
Lesson 15: Why do I have to go to Mass?
Lesson 18: Are you talking to me?
Lesson 24: Where do I go from here?
1. What was something you learned from the Chosen session?
Your answer
2. What are the main points of discussion you had with your parent about the Chosen Video?
Your answer
3. What is one thing you learned tonight, which you can implement into your daily life?
Your answer
I watched this video with my parent
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