Facility Use Request
This form is used to request use of one of Cache Public Schools buildings, fields, etc. Make sure you provide accurate contact information so that we can contact you once your event is approved and scheduled. Also, please know that while we make every effort to allow community access, we must schedule school events as a priority, and because of conflicts, we may need to contact you to make alternative plans. Additionally, we kindly request that you leave things as you find them. If you move something, put it back; if you make a mess, clean it up; if you break something, report it so it can be fixed. Thank you! 
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Email *
Organization making request *
Building or facility being requested (Be specific! For example, a cafeteria means the seating area, not the kitchen.) *
Date *
Start Time *
End Time *
What type of use or purpose is the facility needed for? *
Who is the person making this request and will be responsible for any misuse, lost articles, or damage to the building, equipment, or materials?  *
What is the phone number of the person above? *
Do you need a key or alarm code? (Will you be accessing the building on a weekend or holiday?) *
Is there anything else we need to know to schedule your event? 
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