Extend the Housing Benefit for Laid-Off TNS Staff
Update November 13, 2020: TNS has offered a limited two-week extension, until December 15. We encourage the community to continue to sign. Thank you for your support.


November 5, 2020

Petition for David Howe, Kerrey Hall Area Coordinator, NSSR (PhD), Milano (MS, MA), Lang (BA)

We, the Lang Faculty Council and undersigned faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of TNS, call upon President McBride to extend until the end of the academic year the healthcare and contractual housing benefit for laid-off staff member, David Howe, who has served as Area Coordinator of Kerrey Hall for 7 years and worked at TNS residences for 15 years.

While our hope is that the 122 layoffs will be rescinded, David’s case is particularly urgent because he is being rendered both jobless and houseless, told he must move by November 30. David has devoted his entire adult life to TNS after experiencing homelessness while a student at Lang (http://www.newschoolfreepress.com/2016/05/07/former-lang-student-organizes-panel-to-help-struggling-new-school-students/). The care the administration showed him at that time inspired him to work professionally in housing and administration so that he could return that care to others. David is an alumnus of TNS four times over, including receiving his PhD in Psychology from NSSR. His continued residence would be cost-neutral to the University and beneficial to the students for whom he cares so much.

More than one week after the details of the layoffs were announced, David was notified that he was both losing his job and housing benefit, given approximately 6 weeks notice to move during a global pandemic. This news came as a surprise to David because, on October 2, Student Success had said his job was safe. The dorms are not in need of extra room. In fact, students in the dorms report feelings of isolation and loneliness, and it would help them to feel at ease during an ongoing crisis if devoted staff like David were in residence. There is a state-wide moratorium on evictions until January 1, 2021 while COVID-19 cases are on the rise. In New York City, finding an apartment requires significant funding. David, a qualified alumnus with a PhD, is currently hunting for jobs (https://davidhhowe4.wixsite.com/davidhhowe and http://linkedIn.com/in/davidhhowe). A roof over his head as winter approaches is essential to that pursuit.

In 2012, David helped evacuate students during Hurricane Sandy. Since 2013, David has served as the lead RA at Kerrey Hall, being a leader during the building’s opening and its 2014 flooding. Last spring, he oversaw the COVID-19 transition and received an award by Student Success in recognition of his leadership in catastrophe.

The proposed eviction date is just days after Thanksgiving. The LFC was told that such notice was generous because it was beyond industry standards. But, this situation is not standard: It is immoral to evict such a loyal and valued alumnus amid a pandemic. On October 29, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney wrote to FIT President Joyce Brown regarding residential staff facing termination: "While the legal peculiarities of this situation, in which housing and employment are inextricably linked--may fall outside of the purview of the Tenant Safe Harbor Act, it certainly violates the spirit of that legislation meant to protect New Yorkers from homelessness during this public health and economic crisis." On October 30, a new Vice President of Development and Alumni Engagement at TNS was announced, and on November 30, TNS will ask students to register. We cannot continue to describe ourselves as a progressive university in the midst of such dissonance. It is incumbent upon leadership to extend the healthcare and housing benefit for David--and any other laid-off staff members facing similar circumstances--until the end of the academic year.

Lang Faculty Council

*Signatures will be updated daily

1. Diana Edelman, TNS Student
2. Julia Curl, TNS Student
3. Henry Mermer, TNS Student
4. Diana Victoreen, TNS Student
5. Frances McClain , TNS Student
6. Gloria Rivera, TNS Student
7. Edward Dias, TNS Student
8. Claudia Ramirez, TNS Student
9. Philomena Mattes, TNS Student
10. Veronica Mang, TNS Alum
11. Orlando Mendiola, TNS Alum
12. Daria Samway, TNS Student
13. Kayla Santos, TNS Student
14. Malia Transue, TNS Student
15. Natalie Harper, TNS Student
16. Kylie Bryant, TNS Student
17. Aurora Mendiola, Friend of TNS
18. Orlando Mendiola, TNS Alum
19. Ryanne Salzano, TNS Alum
20. Val Vinokur, TNS Faculty
21. Ben Williams, TNS Faculty
22. Benjamin Wurgaft, Past NSSR postdoc, Friend of TNS
23. Roberta Fox, Friend of TNS
24. Cinzia Arruzza, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
25. Orlando Hawkins, TNS Alum
26. Holly Lewis, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Friend of TNS
27. Allan Hillani, PhD student of Philosophy (NSSR), TNS Student
28. Laura Y. Liu, Associate Professor of Global Studies and Geography, TNS Faculty
29. Maya Herman, TNS Student
30. Arya Vaghayenegar, TNS Student
31. Nicholas Richardson, Friend of TNS
32. Allegra Isenberg, TNS Alum
33. Bryan Doniger, TNS Student
34. P.J. Gorre, TNS Student
35. Edvardas Sumila, TNS Student
36. Yanzhen Shi, TNS Student
37. Sidra Kamran, TNS Student
38. Pedro Dotto, PhD Student, TNS Student
39. Abby Concha, MA student at NSSR, TNS Student
40. Cagla Orpen, TNS Student
41. Zoe Carey, PhD Candidate, Sociology, TNS Student
42. Tatiana Llaguno, TNS Student
43. Natalia Berry, TNS Student
44. Shadow XU, TNS Student
45. Mazen Khawaja, Economics, NSSR, TNS Student
46. Will Barton, TNS Student
47. Maia Eskin, TNS Student
48. Mia Leto, TNS Student
49. Hermann Derwanz, TNS Student
50. Renard John-Finn, TNS Staff
51. Candice MacLusky, NS Staff
52. Rachel Voorhees , TNS Staff
53. Astrid Valenzuela, TNS Student
54. Emanuele Citera, TNS Student
55. Julia Métraux, TNS Alum
56. Calvin Ryerse, TNS Student
57. Xinyi Lin, TNS Student
58. Lee Brando, TNS Student
59. Andrea Marpillero-Colomina, TNS Faculty
60. Ceciel Meiborg, TNS Student
61. Helen Rubinstein, TNS Faculty
62. Kelly Joan Gawel, TNS Student
63. Lee Brando, TNS Student
64. Edward Dioguardi, TNS Student
65. Nicole Story, TNS Alum
66. Weiouqing Chen, TNS Student
67. Nelson Nuñez, Friend of TNS
68. Brita Servaes, Librarian, TNS Staff
69. Nina Quirk-Goldblatt, Senior Secretary, TNS Staff
70. Giuseppe Vicinanza, TNS Student
71. Giordana De Rossi, TNS Student
72. Aaron Neber, PhD Student, Philosophy, TNS Student
73. Genevieve Yue, Assistant Professor, TNS Faculty
74. Carolyn Vellenga Berman, TNS Faculty
75. Eleni Beja, TNS Staff
76. Ben Parker, Assistant Professor, Friend of TNS
77. Allan Hillani, Philosophy, NSSR, TNS Student
78. Aaron Berman, TNS Student
79. Veronica Padilla, TNS Student
80. Arun Luthra, TNS Faculty
81. Clara Beccaro, TNS Student
82. AJ Branton, TNS Student
83. Kayla Dotero, TNS Student
84. Mariah Tarvainen, Friend of TNS
85. Briana Aizin, Former Senior Office Assistant, TNS Staff
86. McKelvey Courtney Collins, TNS Student
87. Erin Simmons, PhD Student, TNS Student
88. Catherine Laylin, TNS Student
89. Leah Burke, TNS Student
90. Reilly Jones, TNS Student
91. Erin May, TNS Student
92. Anjali Khosla, Assistant Professor, TNS Faculty
93. Elizabeth King, Co-Director of Communications for USS, TNS Student
94. Rebecca Ioane, Friend of TNS
95. Eric William Heidinger, Friend of TNS
96. Sydney, Friend of TNS
97. Ryan Gustafson, TNS Staff
98. Paxson M King, Friend of TNS
99. Diana Miao, TNS Student
100. Toby Finke, TNS Student
101. Jacey Chen, TNS Student
102. Ahren Hess, Friend of TNS
103. Claire Huang, TNS Student
104. Ari Elefterin, TNS Faculty
105. Madison Gamba, MA Philosophy Student, TNS Student
106. Megan K, TNS Staff
107. Forrest Deacon, TNS Student
108. Anna Robinson-Sweet, Archivist, TNS Staff
109. Angelica Bradley, TNS Staff
110. Carina Cozminschi, TNS Student
111. Elizabeth Kendall, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
112. Emma Park, Asst. Prof. History TNS Faculty
113. Evan Rapport, Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology, TNS Faculty
114. Katherine Kurs, Assistant Professor, Lang/Religious Studies, TNS Faculty
115. Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, Associate Professor of History, TNS Faculty
116. Elaine Savory, TNS Faculty
117. Iliana Cepero, TNS Faculty
118. Jennifer Firestone, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
119. Rory Solomon, Assistant Professor, TNS Faculty
120. Jackie Wang, TNS Faculty
121. constantina zavitsanos, TNS Faculty
122. Jurgen von Mahs, Associate Professor and Chair of Urban Studies, TNS Faculty
123. Albert P Mobilio, TNS Faculty
124. Diana Miao, TNS Student
125. Silvina Palacio, TNS Staff
126. James Kienitz Wilkins, Assistant Professor of Screen Studies, C&M, TNS Faculty
127. Ann Kristine Estaris, TNS Student
128. Cheyenne Ruddock, Friend of TNS
129. Sophia Felix, Friend of TNS
130. Ananya Shrivastava, TNS Student
131. Natalie Vaval, TNS Student
132. Grace Keyana, Friend of TNS
133. Emma Jones, TNS Student
134. Bryan Turley, TNS Student
135. Jacinta Avery, Assistant Director, TNS Staff
136. Jaye Elizabeth Johnson TNS Student
137. Alex Altonji, PhD Candidate/former housing RA, TNS Student
138. Gabrielle Francis, TNS Student
139. Rosalind Aparicio Ramirez, TNS Alum
140. Chasity Wilson, Assistant, Director of College Housing (former employee of TNS Housing & Residential Education 2011-2020), Friend of TNS
141. Tovah Riviere, Friend of TNS
142. Andrew Orellana, Managing Video Editor at NSFP, TNS Student
143. Elena Petrovska, TNS Alum
144. Colette Brooks, Assoc. Professor, TNS Faculty
145. Ahren Hess, Friend of TNS
146. Kayla Areglado, TNS Student
147. Alexandre Gontchar, TNS Student
148. Erin Lee Carman, Former Senior RA of Kerrey Hall, TNS Staff
149. Michelle Coppola, TNS Student
150. Robin Kang, TNS Student
151. John Melillo, Friend of TNS
152. Isabelle Ouyang, Friend of TNS
153. Omar Abreu, TNS Student
154. Anna Baker-Heans, TNS Student
155. Leigh-Anna Nielsen, Former Resident Advisor, TNS Student
156. Hannah Wong, TNS Alum
157. Jenesis Grullon, Friend of TNS
158. Dana Nguyen, TNS Student
159. Lexi ONeill, Kerrey Hall RA, TNS Student
160. Morgan Vinson, TNS Staff
161. Heather Gilbert, TNS Student
162. Rachel Sherman, Professor, TNS Faculty
163. Joe Sirabella, TNS Student
164. Deva Woodly, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
165. Alice Crary, University Distinguished Professor, Philosophy, AAUP, TNS Faculty
166. Ann Stoler, Professor of Anthropology, TNS Faculty
167. Carlos Forment, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
168. Benoit Challand, Associate Prof, NSSR, TNS Faculty
169. Joan Miller, Professor of Psychology, TNS Faculty
170. Abou Farman, TNS Faculty
171. Dmitri Nikulin, TNS Faculty
172. Claire Potter, Professor of History, TNS Faculty
173. Sherri Cohen, TNS Staff
174. Robert Kostrzewa, Vice Dean, NSSR, TNS Staff
175. Ying Chen, TNS Faculty
176. Daniel R Rodriguez-Navas, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, TNS Faculty
177. Miriam I Ticktin, TNS Faculty
178. Elaine Abelson, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
179. Alandria Moore, TNS Alum
180. Inessa Medzhibovskaya, TNS Faculty
181. Lawrence Hirschfeld, Professor of Anthropology and Psychology, TNS Faculty
182. Mark Setterfield, Professor of Economics, TNS Faculty
183. Lisa Rubin, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
184. Hammad Sheikh, TNS Faculty
185. Stefania de Kenessey, Professor of Music, TNS Faculty
186. Yusra Bitar, TNS Student
187. Janet Roitman, University Professor, TNS Faculty
188. Robin Wagner-Pacifici, TNS Faculty,
189. Ahren Hess, Friend of TNS
190. Tsuya Yee, TNS Staff
191. Paxson M King, Friend of TNS
192. McWelling Todman, Professor, TNS Faculty
193. Emma Richmond, TNS Student
194. Andreas Kalyvas, Associate Professor of Politics, TNS Faculty
195. Olga Knizhnik, TNS Student
196. Katrina Butler, Lang Student Senator, TNS Student
197. Sodongo Sodsuren, TNS Student
198. Nour Chahboun, TNS Student
199. Ali Tichavsky, TNS Student
200. Alejandra Godoy, TNS Student
201. Abigail Berven-Stotz, TNS Student
202. Rich Blint, TNS Faculty
203. Gordon Gatsby Griffin, TNS Student
204. Cecilia Viveiros, TNS Student
205. Heather Davis, Assistant Professor of Culture and Media, TNS Faculty
206. Natalia Soto, TNS Student
207. Daniel R Rodriguez-Navas, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, TNS Faculty
208. Michelle Tumur, TNS Student,
209. James W. Fuerst, Assistant Professor of Writing, TNS Faculty
210. Milla Sanders, TNS Student
211. Adaline Gomez, TNS Student
212. Arien Mack, Professor, TNS Faculty
213. Molly Babos, TNS Student
214. Mariel Mercedes, TNS Student
215. Cole Walther, TNS Student
216. Carly Consalvo, TNS Student
217. Todd Weeks, Friend of TNS
218. Mark Frazier, Professor of Politics, TNS Faculty
219. Domonique Hansen, TNS Student
220. Suha Cho, TNS Student,
221. Oz Frankel, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
222.       Jay M Bernstein, University Distinguished Professor, TNS Faculty
223. Ahren Hess, Friend of TNS
224. Shannon Mattern, Professor of Anthropology, TNS Faculty
225. Kohana Wilson, TNS Student
226. Paul Kottman, Professor of Comparative Literature, TNS Faculty
227. Paxson M King, Friend of TNS
228. Anastasia Webb, TNS Student
229. Bailey Garcia, TNS Student
230. Anwar Shaikh, Professor, TNS Faculty
231. Sarah Berletti, TNS Student
232. Neil Greenberg, Professor of Choreography, Chair of the Arts at Lang, TNS Faculty
233. Nancy Fraser, Professor, TNS Faculty
234. Juan E De Castro, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
235. Rose Rejouis, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
236. Hugh Raffles, Professor, Director of GIDEST, TNS Faculty
237. Anne McNevin, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
238. Alexandra Chasin, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
239. Alison Kinney, Assistant Professor, TNS Faculty
240. Ujju Aggarwal, Assistant Professor, TNS Faculty
241. Yin Ting Lau, TNS Staff
242. Xiqiao Chen, TNS Student
243. Jude Pais, TNS Student
244. Kyle Stuber, TNS Staff
245. Alana Waterman, TNS Student
246. Celia Piñeyro, TNS Student
247. Anna Cone, Friend of TNS
248. Rowen Griffith, TNS Alum
249. Karla Rodriguez, TNS Student
250. Alex Valencia, TNS Student
251. Kellehanna E’Shawn, TNS Alum
252. Eliot Park, Technician, TNS Staff
253. Liv Koreman, TNS Student
254. Lilah Rosenbaum, TNS Student
255. Kaitlin Kimbro, TNS Alum
256. Eli Reid, Asst. Technical Director COPA, TNS Staff
257. Ava Robinson, Parsons Staff and Student, TNS Student
258. Michelle Eguia, TNS Alum
259. Maryam Khaled, TNS Alum
260. Lei Ping, TNS Faculty
261. Chantel King, TNS Staff
262. Alex McEachin, TNS Alum
263. Lauren McGregor, TNS Alum
264. Alexandra Délano Alonso, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
265. Avery Tamchin, TNS Staff
266. Dawnja Burris, TNS Faculty
267. Nathaniel Wu, TNS Alum
268. Deirdre Boyle, TNS Faculty,
269. Rachel Heiman, Associate Professor of Anthropology, TNS Faculty
270. Aly Akers, TNS Student
271. Lila Barrett, TNS Alum
272. Marlon Meikle, TNS Staff
273. Raymond Joshua Scannell, Assistant Professor, TNS Faculty
274. Helen Schulman, Chair of Fiction, TNS Faculty
275. Julia Foulkes, Professor, TNS Faculty
276. Gina Beneduci, TNS Student
277. Catherine Murphy, TNS Staff
278. John Sharp, Associate Professor, TNS Faculty
279. Santo Jacobsson, SPA, CRA, TNS Student  
280. Morgan Saavedra-Friedman, TNS Student
281. Rediet Mesfin Teklu, TNS Student
282. Sean Jacobs, Associate Professor, International Affairs, TNS Faculty
283. Hana Dizdarevic, TNS Student
284. Staver Klitgaard, Friend of TNS
285. Valery Rousset, Friend of TNS
286. Christiane Paul, Professor of Media Studies / Director SJDC, TNS Faculty
287. liv garber, TNS Student
288. Kiera Bono, Former TNS Staff, Lang Alum, TNS Alum
289. Lucinda Cooper, TNS Student
290. Leo Schmitt, TNS Faculty
291. Mindy Fullilove, Professor, Urban Policy and Health, TNS Faculty
292. Melanie Mac Caskie, Friend of TNS
293. Nicolas Langlitz, Associate Professor, Chair of Anthropology, TNS Faculty
294. Tench Cholnoky, TNS Student
295. Oliver Petersen, TNS Student
296. Tiffany Lai, TNS Student
297. Gretel Dougherty, TNS Student
298. Alan Fortte, TNS Student
299. Thiri Nyunt, TNS Student
300. Dalia Sadeq, TNS Student
301. Somaly Tum, TNS Alum
302. Zorina Wong, TNS Student
303. Ana, TNS Student
304. Niko Bushell, TNS Alum
305. Grace Nau, TNS Student
306. Emma Shafer, TNS Student
307. Latha Poonamallee, Associate Professor - Management, TNS Faculty
308. Dani Delossantos, Former TNS Staff, TNS Student
309. Madeline Schwartzman, Part time Associate Teaching Prof, TNS Faculty
310. Ella, Former Resident Advisor (2014-2017, 2016-2017 at Kerrey Hall, under David Howe’s leadership), TNS Alum
311. Marie Christine Masse, TNS Faculty
312. Maika'i Tubbs, TNS Alum
313. Katlyn Le Leal, TNS Student
314. Makena Duffy, TNS Student
315. Reema Minawala, TNS Student
316. Lilly Handley, Assistant Professor at IUP, TNS Alum
317. Oli Lew, TNS Student
318. Matt Callahan, TNS Alum
319. Rachael Tomaszewski, TNS Student
320. Lucy Bishop, TNS Alum
321. Malath Kamaluldeen, TNS Student
322. Alex Valencia, TNS Student
323. Pualana Lemelle, Friend of TNS
324. Lydia Lovell, TNS Alum
325. Gianna Paladino, TNS Student
326. Ariel, TNS Alum
327. Carolina Trinker, TNS Student
328. Catalina O'Connor, TNS Alum
329. Jess Applebaum, Friend of TNS
330. martina gallo, TNS Student
331. Egypt-Moyenda , TNS Student
332. Joshua Valentine, TNS Alum
333. Olivia Gadberry , Friend of TNS
334. Raul Rubio, Chair of Languages, TNS Faculty
335. Nichole Bosso, Former Resident Advisor at The New School, TNS Alum
336. Andres Tawil, TNS Student
337. Cheyenne Turner, Friend of TNS
338. Leo Canty, TNS Student
339. Maliyamungu Muhande, TNS Student
340. Lauren Kushnick, Asst Director of Undergrad Admissions, TNS Staff
341. Sophia Morrissette, Friend of TNS
342. Alexandra Panzarelli, PhD student, TNS Student
343. Milad Ahmadi, TNS Alum
344. Noam Rapoport, TNS Student
345. Bureen Ruffin, TNS Faculty
346. Soyoung Yoon, Assistant Professor of Art History & Visual Studies, TNS Faculty
347. Lucy Harding, TNS Student
348. Ashanti W, TNS Student
349. Joel Steinke, TNS Student
350. Nicole Collazo, TNS Student
351. Jin Lee, TNS Alum
352. Dominique Lassalle, TNS Student
353. Vidya Ravilochan, TNS Student
354. Lulin liu, TNS Student
355. Keaton Slansky, TNS Student
356. Julia Gorton, Assistant Professor of Communication Design, TNS Faculty
357. Natalie Gross, Director of Civic Engagement & Social Justice, TNS Staff
358. Patricia Kalidonis, Senior Secretary, TNS Staff
359. Odellia Lucius, TNS Staff
360. Asia Elena Gerosa, MPP Candidate, TNS Student
361. owen plotkin, TNS Student
362. Spencer Hopkins, TNS Staff
363. sheena daree miller, faculty development coordinator, TNS Staff
364. Marissa Jackson, TNS Staff
365. Racquel Samuel , TNS Staff
366. Lucia Cuba, Assistant Professor of Fashion, TNS Faculty
367. Will Carter, TNS Alum
368. N Guiland, TNS Alum
369. Alexander Gleason, TNS Alum
370. Suzy Exposito, TNS Alum
371. Keely Kritz, TNS Alum
372. Joel Arken, TNS Alum
373. Grace Cardozo, TNS Alum
374. Riley Dole, TNS Student
375. Kara Reilly, TNS Alum
376. Marian Adams, PhD candidate,TNS Student
377. Will Scott, TNS Student
378. Joshia Wallman , TNS Student
379. Trevor Healy, Friend of TNS
380. Aleksandra Wagner, TNS Faculty
381. Sav Aiello, TNS Student
382. Andrea MacFarlane, Student Support & Advocacy, TNS Staff
383. Amani Gheith, TNS Staff
384. Racquel Samuel, TNS Staff
385. Lisa Romeo, Assistant Director, ULC, TNS Staff
386. Tamara Oyola-Santiago, TNS Staff
387. Keisha Davenport-Ramirez, TNS Staff
388. Haley Baron, TNS Alum
389. Yara Al-nouri, TNS Student
390. Stacy Seiler, Assistant Professor, Parsons Alumni, TNS Faculty
391. Tamar Samir, TNS Faculty
392. Jeff Beebe, TNS Faculty
393. Keisha Davenport-Ramirez, TNS Staff
394. Charlotte Turnbull, Friend of TNS
395. Mary Nesrala, TNS Alum
396. Ruben Bockbreder, TNS Alum
397. Keisha Davenport-Ramirez, TNS Staff
398. Raven Hetzler, TNS Alum
399. Dominika Jezewska, Former Resident Advisor at TNS (2014-2016), TNS Alum
400. Rachel Knopf Shey, Former colleague of David, also laid off in October, Friend of TNS
401. Francisco Gonzalez, TNS Student
402. Kyheim Little, TNS Student
403. Rafael González, Assistant Director, Student Leadership & Involvement, TNS Staff
404. Jaskiran Dhillon, Associate Professor of Global Studies, TNS Faculty
405.        Nikki Smith, Friend of TNS
406.        Milo Campanella, TNS Alum
407.        Katayoun Chamany, Professor of Biology, TNS Faculty
408.        Vivian Carpintero, TNS Alum
409.        Riva Kadar, TNS Staff
410.        Farah Momin, TNS Alum
411.        Karen Zumhagen, Friend of TNS
412.        Masha Raskolnikov, Associate Professor, Cornell University, shocked, Friend of TNS
413.        Derek Baron, TNS Alum
414.        Daniel Richards, TNS Student
415.        Michael McHugh, TNS Alum
416.       John Colin Marston, Educator, Class of 2016, TNS Alum
417.       Yuki Tada, TNS Student
418.       Stephen Rechner, President, UCATS at NYU, NYSUT/AFT, Friend of TNS
419.       Elizabeth Morano, TNS Faculty
420.       Helia Faezipour, TNS Student
421.       HENRY C DROBBIN, Senior Secretary, NSSR Politics, TNS Staff
422.       Josh Weinstein, Friend of the TNS
423.       Radhika Subramaniam, TNS Faculty
424.       James DeCamp, TNS Student
425.       Kristina Mobley, TNS Student
426.       Elisha Parsons, TNS Student
427.       Sydney Merydith, TNS Student
428.       Alexa Fisher, TNS Student
429.       Vahan Lousinian, TNS Student
430.       Anna Forst, TNS Student
431.       Brittney Chiorando, TNS Student
432.       Anabella Orellana, TNS Student
433.       Clara C Corcoran, TNS Student
434.       Jenna Williams, Friend of TNS
435.       Kaylinn Escobar, Friend of TNS
436.       Veronica Nocera, Friend of TNS
437.       Olivia Philipson, Friend of TNS
438.       James DeCamp, TNS Student
439.       Samuel Rodriguez, TNS Student
440.       Rob Mousavi, TNS Student
441.       Quinn Luthy, TNS Student
442.       Savannah Allred, TNS Student
443.       Claire Zhang, TNS Student
444.       Zoey Greenwlad, TNS Student

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