MAT 1575 Week 6 post-test check in
Please complete this survey AFTER you have handed in your written work for Test #1. You may include as much or as little detail as you like. Your answers may be shared with the rest of the class, but your name will be removed.
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First Name *
Last Name *
How are you doing? This is a weird time for all of us. Are you struggling? Are you hanging in there? *
How is your Calculus II class going? How are your other classes going? *
How do you feel like you did on Test #1? What was easy about it? What was hard about it? Did you feel prepared for the test? *
How are your HOT Topics presentations going? What do you need more help with? *
How do you usually prepare for your HOT Topics presentations? Do you feel like you are preparing enough or the right way to give a successful presentation? What about your preparation is going well? What about your preparation could be improved? *
HOT Topics presentations are kind of like weekly quizzes that you may have taken back when we had face-to-face classes. Do you find you are learning the material better than you would if you were taking a written quiz instead of giving a presentation? How is this different for you? *
COLD sessions are a chance for us to get together as a class and make sure everyone is on track. What is helpful about the COLD sessions? What is unhelpful? *
How do you usually use the course hub? Do you feel like the lessons and videos there prepare you for your assignments or do you seek outside resources? Why? *
Do you look at the recordings of COLD sessions or the COLD session notes? Are the recordings or the notes helpful for you? *
Has meeting with your study group helped you with your HOT Topics presentations or other assignments? What else would you like to do with your study group in the future? *
How would you feel if your study group membership changed? *
What does a typical week in MAT 1575 look like for you? How much time do you spend reading the lessons or the textbook? How much time do you spend working on WeBWorK (Rederly)? How much time to you spend preparing your HOT Topics presentation? How much time do you spend meeting with your classmates? What is working for you and what is not working for you? *
Have you attended tutoring? Do you attend tutoring regularly? Why or why not? *
What advice would you give to another student who needs to succeed in this class? *
We can't make major changes to the course (for example, the grading scheme and the weekly schedule are set). But we might be able to make small modifications. Do you have any suggestions for small modifications? What would help you succeed? *
Do you have any questions or anything else you'd like your professor to know about your situation at this point? *
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