GEOTRACES Student and Early Career Scientist mailing list
The GEOTRACES Early Career Scientist (ECS) Committee wishes to create a mailing list of GEOTRACES students (Master and PhD) and Early Career Scientists (be no more than 10 years from PhD completion - not counting time for career interruptions) in order to foster collaborations and promote activities within the framework of GEOTRACES science.

Please fill in the form below if you wish to register and receive further communications from the ECS Committee. 

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Surname *
Name *
Email *
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Country of citizenship *
Continent *
Current affiliation *
Country of the current affiliation *
Current Position *
(if relevant) Year of completion of your PhD or planned year of completion of your PhD
ORCID number (ORCID is a free, unique, persistent identifier for researchers: - We encourage you to create one to facilitate the tracking of your publications and data - particularly as it will faciliate the registration of your data to the GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product).
Your area(s) of expertise: *
Information: GEOTRACES TEI Expertise Database
We remind you that you can also register your trace element and isotope expertise in the GEOTRACES Researchers Analytical Expertise Database available on the GEOTRACES site:  
Do you wish to be registered in the ECS mailing list for students and early careers? (Read GEOTRACES privacy policy) *
Do you wish to be subscribed to the GEOTRACES Mailing List?
(Read GEOTRACES privacy policy)
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