Email or phone if you would like us to follow-up with any questions we may have about your responses.
Your answer
Which group best represents you? *
Area represented *
What input would you like to give us on Universal and correct wearing of masks?
Your answer
What input would you like to give us on how we should modify our facilities to allow for physical distancing?
Your answer
What input would you like to give us on handwashing and respiratory etiquette?
Your answer
What input would you like to give us on cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation?
Your answer
What input would you like to give us on contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the state, local, territorial, or tribal health departments?
Your answer
What input would you like to give us on diagnostic and screening testing?
Your answer
What input would you like to give us on our efforts to provide vaccinations to school communities?
Your answer
What input would you like to give us on providing appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies?
Your answer
What input would you like to give us on our coordination with state and local health officials?
Your answer
What input would you like to give us on planning for continuity of services?
Your answer
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