2024 University of Texas Libraries Map & Geospatial Collections Explorer Fellowship Proposal Form
Thank you for your interest in the University of Texas Libraries Map & Geospatial Collections Explorer Fellowship. Please submit the form below by Monday, October 14, 2024 at 11:59pm to be considered for the Fellowship. In order to better prepare and organize your responses to the questions below you may find it helpful to organize your answers in a separate text document and paste them into the form once you are ready to submit your proposal. Please be detailed and specific in your responses - proposal reviewers will be using a rubric to assess submissions and the points will be assigned based on clarity of proposal submission. Only one proposal per individual will be accepted.
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Please provide your first and last name. You will be regarded as the primary project contact. *
Please provide your UT email address. Applicants will be contacted with updates about the status of their proposal through this email address. *
Please provide a phone number as a backup means of contact regarding the status of your proposal. Contact will be attempted via voice, then text in that order. This information will not be shared and will only be used for important updates. (Optional)
Please confirm your eligibility by selecting the statement below that matches your university affiliation. *
Please write in the name of the department(s) you are affiliated with on campus. *
Please check the boxes below to confirm that you have read and acknowledged all Fellowship award requirements.
If your project is connected to your work on any of the following, please check all that apply below.
Please write in the name of your project. (125 character limit)
How will you access the UT Libraries geospatial items that you plan to use in your project? Please select all that apply. *
If feasible at this stage, please list several links to specific UT Libraries geospatial materials that you plan to utilize in your project. If you are planning to utilize materials from https://geodata.lib.utexas.edu/ please ensure that at least one is from the UT Libraries collections with the "Provider" listed as "Texas" to meet the Fellowship requirements. (500 character limit)
Please describe in a brief paragraph your proposed project and how you will be utilizing assets from the UT Libraries geospatial collections. Be sure to mention the tools and methods that you plan to use to work with those materials. (1000 character limit) *
How do you plan to enrich and contribute to the UT Libraries geospatial collections through your work? Be specific and consider any contributions you feel would be significant. Examples of contributions to UTL collections might include producing geospatial data for inclusion in the GeoData portal, creation of original paper maps for the PCL Map Collection, enhancing digital maps in the UT Libraries collections by georeferencing them, designing an exhibit or art installation featuring maps from UT Libraries geospatial collections, etc. (750 character limit)
In a few sentences, describe the academic significance, actionable outcomes from, or social impact of your project. Be as specific as possible. (750 character limit) *
Identify your intended audience and describe how you will share project outcomes. (750 character limit) *
Please describe any aspect of your project that you feel is particularly original or creative. (750 character limit) *
Please create a timeline listing and describing your envisioned project milestones and provide an estimated date of completion for each. (750 character limit) *
How many hours of dedicated project time do you estimate will be required for completion? *
Please describe your skills, previous experience, and other available resources that make this project feasible for you to complete as proposed. (1000 character limit) *
Is there anything else that you would like to let us know about your project? (750 character limit)
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