E4 Metal Shop Training - Please come with right attire !
The E4 Metal Shop requires that students take 2 hour safety training session before they are allowed access. If you have not been trained in the N2 General Wood/Metal Shop(or former L9 1st Year Shop, please sign-up for N2 General Shop training session first. (http://resources.parsons.edu/labs/woodmetal-shop/)

The primary goals of this training are to establish safe working practices and proper shop etiquette, and to cover basic safety considerations for the equipment in the E4 Metal Shop.

Space is limited.  As sessions fill up, they are removed from the sign up list. (10 students per a session)

The training takes place in the shop, so please dress appropriately for a shop environment.

*Please wear leather shoes. No open toe shoes or heels allowed. No fabric sneakers such as converse.
*Must wear long jean (no shorts). No synthetic.
*All long hair must be tied back.
*Necklaces and bracelets must be removed.

Safety gear will be provided during the training.
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