FT 2023 Fremont - Winter Camp Registration

The Fei Teng 2023 Winter Camp will take place over two weeks: from December 26th to December 29th, 2023, and from January 2nd to January 5th, 2024. The camp hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We warmly invite you to join us!

Please note:

  • Check all the options below that suit your needs.
  • The full fee for the winter camp must be paid at the time of registration.
  • Cancellations must be notified at least one week in advance. If you need to cancel within a week before the camp starts, 20% of the winter camp fee will be charged. If you cancel during the week of the camp, a fee of $100 will be charged. Alternatively, we can apply the fee as a credit for next semester's tuition, in which case no charges will be applied, but no refunds will be offered.

Fei Teng 2023冬令营将于2023年12月26日至12月29日, 2024年1月2日-1月5日的这两周举行,时间为上午9:00至下午6:00。欢迎加入我们!


  • 请在下面勾选所有符合您需求的选项。
  • 冬令营费用必须在注册时一次性付清。
  • 取消必须提前1周以上通知。如果您需要在开营前一周内取消冬令营,将收取冬令营费的20%;如果您需要在当周取消冬令营,将收取费用(100美元)。或者我们可以提供抵扣到新学期的学费中,那么我们将不收取任何费用,但不提供费用退款。

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Email *
1. Student's Name(学生姓名) *
2. Parent's Phone Number(家长电话) *
3. Parent's Email(家长邮箱地址)
4. Home Address (City and State Only)(家庭住址,提供城市和州即可) *
5. Student's age(学生年龄) *
6. Student's school name and grade(学生就读学校和年级) *
7. Week1 12/26/23 - 12/29/23
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8. Week2: 1/2/24 - 1/5/24
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9. If you prefer daily service, please specify the dates.(如果您想按天报名,请在下方填写具体的日期。)
10. Which platform do you prefer to use to communicate?(更希望我们用哪种方式联系您?)
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11. If you prefer WeChat, what is your WeChat ID?(如果您希望我们用微信联系您,请问您的微信号是什么?)
12. Please provide the emergency contact person name and phone number for the child in case we are unable to reach you. (请留下孩子的紧急联系人姓名和电话,以防我们联系不上您)
13. Are you a new student?(你是新学生吗?) *
14. If you are new, how did you hear about us?(如果你是新学生,请问你是如何得知我们的?)
15. Please leave your questions or concern to us, we will get back to you ASAP.(请留下您的疑问和顾虑,我们将尽快联系您。)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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