DRP Mentor Sign-Up Spring 2025
The Directed Reading Program (DRP) is an opportunity for Princeton graduate students to mentor an undergraduate student one-on-one for a semester-long reading project in mathematics. Sign up to mentor here!

You are expected to meet with your mentee at least an hour each week. We ask the mentees to commit at least 4 hours of work outside of the meeting each week. There will be a DRP Symposium at the end of the semester where your mentee will give a short presentation to the other DRP participants. 

You'll be paid a small stipend of $200 as a DRP mentor.

You can pick your own mentee. This semester, we’ll let you, the mentors, review the mentee applications and select a mentee to work with. 
** You can meet potential mentees in person at the DRP Open House on Monday February 3rd. 
** Mentee applications are due Wednesday February 5th at 11:59pm
** We’ll make the applications available for you to review Thursday February 6th at noon, together with a sign-up sheet that works on a first-come-first-serve basis. 
** You will have until Sunday February 9th at 11:59pm to choose a mentee. If you’d prefer not to choose, we will make a pairing on your behalf on Monday February 10th. We will email you to confirm your pairing on Monday February 10th as well.

The DRP Open House (w/ boba) is Monday February 3rd, 7-9pm in the Professors' Lounge (PL). Find out more about the program and meet potential mentees there!

Mentor sign-ups are due Wednesday February 5th at 11:59pm. Initial pairing will be on Monday February 10th. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Year and program *
Would you prefer to choose your own mentee or for us to match you with a mentee? *
Areas of interest
Anything else you would like us to know about what kind of projects you're willing to to mentor?
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