Environmental Education 2024 Symposium Sponsorship
Dear Friend of Environmental Education:

The Environmental Education Collaborative (EEC) serving San Bernardino and Riverside
Counties will be hosting its 10th annual Environmental Education Symposium on February 24, 2024:

This event will bring educators together to share ideas, network, and learn more about local
environmental education resources. We request your help in creating an impactful event and
with sponsoring the EEC at one of the following levels:

-$2000 Mountain Lion
-$1000 Bighorn Sheep
-$500 Fringe-toed Lizard
-$200 Scrub Jay

Please complete this form if you plant to be a sponsor.  The sooner we receive your sponsorship and high resolution logo, the sooner we can add your logo to the symposium flyer and promotions. 
Please email your high-resolution logo to ruiz@rcrcd.org .

If you have any questions, please contact Diana Ruiz at (909) 238-8338 or ruiz@rcrcd.org or
Jackie Gardner at jgardner@sanjacinto.k12.ca.us .

Thank you for your consideration to support environmental education in Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties.

EEC is a project of the Inland Empire Community Foundation, a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your donation may be deductible as a charitable contribution. Please consult with your tax advisor. 

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Organization Name
Organization Address:
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Contact Number
Please give us a phone number at which we can contact you.

What is your primary email address?
Please selected your sponsorship level: *
Do you plan to "Table" at the Symposium?
(A 6 ft. long table will be provided to sponsors)
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To register online:
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Do you plan to pay by check or money order: 
If so, please mail to Environmental Education Symposium c/o Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District, 4500 Glenwood Dr., Bldg. A, Riverside, CA 92501. 
Liability Confirmation
Please Note: Environmental Education Collaborative (EEC) and Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District will not be liable for the loss, damage, or theft of any materials on the premises.
Please add any comments or questions you might have.
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