Madrassa Noorul Islam - Essential Data Gather exercise
Please use this form to update your details and ensure that all the data you input is correct and up to date.

This will help us deliver a better learning experience to our children and also help deliver clear/quick communications to parents and guardians.

Please complete a new form for each child if you have more than one child attending Madrassa.
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Child's First Name (including any middle names) *
Child's Surname *
Please enter your child's class number.
Please enter your child's class teachers name.
First Line of Home Address *
Town *
Post Code *
Child's Date of Birth *
Gender *
Primary Contact Name *
Primary Contact Telephone Number *
Primary Contact Relationship to child *
Is the above number WhatsApp enabled? *
If you answered NO to the above question please provide a number that we can use to contact you via WhatsApp.
Email address *
Does your child have any diagnosed medical conditions? Please include information about medication but DO NOT include allergy information. *
Does your child suffer from any allergies? If so, please give details. *
Does your child have any disabilities that we need to be aware of? *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Number *
Emergency Contact Email *
Relationship to child. *
Emergency Contact 2 Name
Emergency Contact 2 Number
Emergency Contact 2 Email
Relationship to child.
Emergency Contact 3 Name
Emergency Contact 3 Number
Emergency Contact 3 Email
Relationship to child.
School Currently attending *
Does your child have a support worker at School? *
Has your child been given a Statement of Special Educational Needs? *
Do you give consent for your child's work to be displayed on our website and other platforms? *
Do you give consent for your child's photo to be displayed on our website and other platforms? *
Do you consent to your child taking part in supervised extra curricular activities outside of the Madrassa premises linked to their studies? *
Additional Notes - Please include any additional information you feel may be useful to us regarding your child. *
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