ISU Mentoring Center Classroom Presentation Request Form
The Mentoring Center can do presentations on the services that the Center provides and a brief overview of what mentoring is. These presentations take about 10-15 minutes.
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The Mentoring Center needs at least 3 business days to prepare unless previous arrangements have been made. Is your request date after this required time period? *
Requester Information
Name *
Email address *
Phone number
What is your role? *
Presentation Request
Requested Date *
Requested Start Time (presentation will take about 10-15 minutes) *
What class or organization the presentation will be for? *
How many people do you expect to attend the presentation? *
What technology will be available? (We usually have a PowerPoint presentation that we can bring on a flash drive or access online. We can also bring a laptop if needed.) *
Do you have any additional questions or comments?
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