Application for P&C Membership at FGSS
There is a lot that happens at school, and joining the P&C is a great way to understand how the school works, and to keep up to date on the myriad of activities that happen onsite. It’s also a great way to get involved in your community.

You can get involved as much or as little as you like! Parents and carers contribute in many ways, from helping to organise the Book Club, Mother's and Father's Day Stalls or a school disco, to helping in the tuckshop, covering books in the library, helping with a working bee, or helping organise the biannual Festival. 

There is no obligation for P&C members to attend meetings, volunteer time or participate in activities, but membership is essential if you want to be involved in any P&C decisions during the year, including how the money we all raise is spent. Due to rules outside our control, we all have to complete a new membership form every year:
- All memberships lapse at the AGM held in March each year
- You can submit a membership form any time throughout the year.  Your application will be tabled at the next available meeting

Please note, by submitting this application, your request for membership will be tabled at the 2024 AGM and will remain valid until the 2025 AGM. The AGM is held in March each year. 

* Please note: Email is our primary means of communication. You will be emailed meeting invitations, copies of agendas, and meeting minutes. Please make sure your email address is clearly legible and add to your safe senders list. If you don’t receive an email within a month of applying for membership, please let us know.
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