Prenatal Yoga Private Sessions
First and foremost, congratulations! Pregnancy is such an amazing journey and we are so excited to be part of it. Please take a moment to fill out this form so we can truly customize your sessions for what would fit best for YOUR pregnancy.
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Name/Email Address/Phone Number
Which package are you interested in?
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Frequency of sessions?
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Below are times available for private sessions. Please write in the box 2-3 that work best for you:

Monday 6am-3pm
Tuesday 8am-4pm
Wednesday 10am-11am + 1:00-3:00pm
Thursday 8am-4pm
Friday 10am-11am +  1:00-3:00pm 
S/Sun 8:00-9:00am + 11:30-3:30pm
What trimester are you currently in?
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What are you hoping to achieve during your prenatal yoga sessions?
Have you practiced before pregnancy?
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Are you high risk? Have you received any restrictions from your doctor? Any additional information we should know about (illnesses, injuries, etc.)
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