JawnCon 0x1 Curmudgeon Volunteer
For this year's CTF event, we want people who consider themselves information technology and security curmudgeons to setup and and be available to help with the student teams with the Curmudgeon CTF!

Wait, what's this CTF? Well, time to break-out that pepto and get ready to relive some of the nightmares from technology from the late 90's to early 2000's. See, there's the company (Curdge-R-Us) who is recently going through a systems upgrade and change. There was a nasty fight between the CEO and the IT administrator, and he abruptly left. The team's job is to get the IT systems back up and running, securely, as the infrastructure will be open to the participants of JawnCon 0x1 to muddle with while things are under repair. Teams are 4 students and one Curmudgeon to help them navigate the hour long and very hands on experience.

If you want to volunteer as a Curmudgeon, please use the form below to help student teams find you.
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What is a "terminator"?
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Love or hate ^M?
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Do you have experience with Cisco equipment?
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Do you have experience with Sun equipment?
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If you "zip" around while you "drive", do you ever get excited enough to have "jazz" hands?
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Do you have experience with WAN technology like T1, T3, DOCSIS 1.0?
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Do you have experience with common Layer 2 issues?
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Do you take Ibuprofen with your morning vitamins?
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Tabs or spaces?
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Serial or Parallel?
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Is RJ45 for T568A or T568BOtherwise, you can
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Please share more of your background and experience here; think of it as a lite resume.
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