Donation Request
The Albertus Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit supporting the addiction and recovery communities. Walmart has given the Albertus Project a grant that allows us to directly support these communities. Please fill out this needs form with your donation request of which Walmart product(s) you need and we will try our best to fulfill the request.
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What is your name? (first, last) *
What is your email? *
Is the product(s) you are requesting for a person in active addiction or recovery? *
What is this person's situation that inhibit them from purchasing these goods on their own? *
What Walmart product(s) do you need and how many are you requesting? *
Who will the product(s) benefit? Yourself? Someone else? Another organization? *
What city and state will the product(s) be used? *
If approved, where should we ship the product(s)? *
Please write a testimonial. If you were to receive the product(s) requested, how will have the Albertus Project helped you/someone else? *
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