Summer Refresh for Your Heart and Mind

Hi, I’m Amberly!

I’ve been married to my husband Bray for 20 years this coming New Year’s Eve! It feels like a gift to type that number because those 20 years have not always been happily ever after! I am also a blessed mom of five kiddos: 17, 15, 13, 11, and you guessed it 9! I have created several different successful online businesses over the last seven years, but recently pulled back to work with a few 1-1 clients, homeschool our kids (again), and reevaluate and realign my own heart, home, and health unto the glory of God during this very busy season. It is my favorite thing to use these renewing and transforming tools for myself, while helping other women do the same!

As a Certified Christian Life Coach, I'm trained to help you move past whatever issues are holding you back from the fullest version of yourself God created you to be. I believe in building a life of Biblical womanhood, which is the true source of any happiness in this life and looks very different from the world’s version we try to grasp! Using the inerrant and timeless wisdom of scripture, and the most cutting edge neuroscience of rewiring your brain, I work with you to create the changes you desire. 

After overcoming bedridden anxiety and depression through mind renewal tools, I was later trained in these concepts to mentor others. Having specific tools (I call it the sliced bread of metal and emotional health) to balance my negative emotions, and through God’s grace, we DO have the ability to live with hope again in all aspects of my life. I teach this in a tangible and practical way. 

My own work with these same coaching tools was life altering - I even teach these tools to my teenage daughters (when they’ll let me)! It really is true - HE transforms us by renewing our minds!

Upon completion of this form, I will reach out to you by text to schedule our time to meet.

I can't wait to work with you!

Much love, 


Email *
Full Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
What is the primary reason you reached out for coaching? *
Tell me about yourself and the roles you play in your life. (ie. stay at home mom, wife, your personality, struggles, etc.)
Have you had coaching (or counseling) in the past? Explain the circumstances that led you to seek out the service(s) and what the outcome was.
What are the main areas you would like to improve? *
On a scale from 1-10, what is your current level of fulfillment/satisfaction with your life? (10 = fulfilled and satisfied)
What would make your life more fulfilling or satisfying?*
Please describe a typical day in your life. 
On a scale from 1-10, what is your current stress level? (10 = extremely stressed)
Describe the trials that you are currently facing that could benefit from coaching.
Tell me what the best case scenario outcome would look like if these trials were over. What would you consider a win? How would you want things to look when they change?
Name the goals that you would like to accomplish through coaching. (i.e. lose weight, improve health, launch/grow your business, marital connection, more enjoyment in life/parenting, etc.)
If ANYTHING were possible and all your prayers were answered, what would you desire your life to look like? Feel free to dream big! What would a Biblically Happy life look like to you?
What have been the 3 most negative emotions that you have experienced in the last month? (i.e. sadness, rejection, fear, anxiousness, loneliness, disappointment, anger, overwhelm, etc)
What 3 positive emotions would you like to feel more of on a daily basis? (i.e. happiness, joy, loved, contentment, valuable, grateful, satisfied, excited, etc.) *
Which of the following do you want to feel more of at the completion of our coaching?
Is there anything that could stand in the way of your results? *
Why is NOW the time that makes sense for you to work with a coach?
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this form. I know it was lengthy, but I hope it was helpful for you to examine your heart, home, and health in this season. I look forward to connecting with you! Together, we will build the skills that create a life of contentment and peace in spite of circumstances! It is going to be such a sweet journey together!

We will meet weekly for 45 minutes with up to 20 minutes of text support in between calls. 

The cost for six weeks is $750. Please select your preferred payment option below.

Your Coach,

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