How game features influence game purchase intent

Greetings gamers! We're conducting research into how game features influence game engagement and purchase intent, so game developers can better understand their audience and make better games.

We invite you to become part of this study by completing this survey. Your opinion and participation is very important to us!

If you are interested in the results of the survey and the progress of the research, please join this Dicord channel using the link: Data of the survey and results will be published there in the future.

Attention! We do not collect any personal information including Google email address.

P.S.: This survey contains credits to get free survey responses at

P.P.S.: This survey contains credits to get free survey responses at

Your gender *
Your age *
What is your favorite game of all time that you bought? *

*Notice! This is an instruction box, you are not required to give answer in this box*

In questions below this box, rate the presence and importance of each game feature in your favorite game you have played from 1 to 5. Meaning of each score below:

1 - Feature does not exist

2 - Feature exists but is not important,

3 - Feature exists, moderately important,

4 - Feature exists and is important,

5 - Feature exist and are very important

Clear selection

1. Social utility feature. Such as In-game voice and text chat.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

2. Social formation/institutional features (Guilds/clans in MMORPGs, etc)

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

3. Leader board features. In-game “Hall of fame” high score list.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

4. Support network features (External to the game. Like game community, Internet forums, strategy guides, game analysis etc)

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

5. User input features. Need to master the user interface, control scheme and game mechanics of the video game to get better control of in-game character and obtain more in-game rewards.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

6. Save features:Checkpoints, “quick-save”

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

7. Managing multiple player resources (in game currency, skill points, consumables, resources for crafting, etc)

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

8. Non-controllable features. Features that are  out of the player’s control, such as scripted events, or use of loading screens (minigames/interactive elements during loading screens,etc).

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

9. Avatar/character creation features. Choice of sex, race, attributes etc.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

10. Storytelling device features: Cut-scenes, mission briefing, notes and books (findable and readable by player), story-related dialogue of npc, etc.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

11. Theme and genre features. RPG, FPS, ARPG etc. E.g. "I bought (or started playing) my favorite game of all time because the game belonged to my favorite game genre or because I liked the theme of the game"

Feature does not exist (not relevant to the choice of this game)
Feature exist and are very important (directly influenced my choice of this game)

12. In-game rewards features. Exp points, bonuses, items.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

13. Meta-game reward features, such as Xbox 360 Achievement Points or Steam achievements

Captionless Image
Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

14. Intermittent reward features. Variable ratio rewards (e.g. 5% drop chance of an item/5% chance of critical hit) or fixed ratio rewards (e.g. buying item for fixed amount of gold/guaranteed critical hit after every 10th killed creature)

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

15. Payout interval features. Delay between the end of a game event and the subsequent reward is relatively short. E.g. delay between beating the boss and obtaining item from said boss is relatively short.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

16. Punishment features. Losing a life, restarting a level etc.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

17. Negative reward features. When the player’s character has been placed in an unwanted state, player finds a way to remove unwanted state and feels a sense of relief. E.g. Player gets hit by enemy and lose 50% of HP (placed in unwanted state). Player need to find a way to restore his HP. After consuming healing potion (way of removing unwanted state) player feels a sense of relief.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

18. Near miss features. See video example below this box.

(Think of an difficult souls-like “boss” which left you with 5% of HP after you beat him. You nearly lost to him. Or situation in competitive videogames like Dota 2 when one team losing the game for 20 minutes, it seems they surely going to lose, but then they do a comeback and winning. They nearly lost.)

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important
Near miss - guy was ALMOST dead

19. Event frequency feature. It takes a relatively short time interval to complete a smallest in-game task/event and start next one. E.g. hitting level cap in MMO can take months, but this macrotask is broken down into smaller microtasks/events along the way, such as ‘mini-games’, levels, quests etc. which take short time to complete.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

20. Event duration feature. How much time it takes to complete a game or one session of the game. For example, single player story-oriented first person shooter takes 12 hours to complete, MOBA game session takes 30-60 minutes to complete, where as an MMO`s have no end point and can be played infinetely.

Rate this feature from 1 to 5, where 1 means feature is not important, time it takes to complete the game does not impact expirience, and 5 means that time frame to complete the game or intended absence of it (e.g, MMOs or sandbox-type games) is deterministic to the expirience.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

21. Graphics and sound features. (High picture quality, pleasing artstyle, real sounds, atmospheric soundtrack etc.)

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

22. Franchise features. Trade-marked names, e.g. Mario, League of legends, GTA, Diablo etc.

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

23. Explicit content features. Violence, drug use, nudity

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important

24. In-game advertising features - video example below

Real life brands, sponsors, trademarks. (For example, the Burger King billboard in NFS:MW, or a cars from a real car brand in a racing game)

Feature does not exist
Feature exist and are very important
In-game advertising - Obama

*Notice! This is an instruction box, you are not required to give answer in this box*

Put a "√" on the corresponding number based on how often you feel emotion described in boxes below when playing your favorite game that you bought. Meaning of each score:

1 – Never 2 – Rarely 3 – Not often 4 – Quite often 5 – Frequently

Clear selection

25. I lose track of time


26. Things seem to happen automatically


27. My thoughts go fast


28. I play longer than I meant to


29. I feel different


30. I feel scared


31. Time seems to kind of stand still or stop


32. I feel spaced out


33. I lose track of where I am


34. I don’t answer when someone talks to me


35. I can’t tell that I’m getting tired


36. If someone talks to me, I don’t hear them


37. I feel like I just can’t stop playing


38. The game feels real


39. I get wound up


40. Playing seems automatic


41. I play without thinking about how to play


42. Playing makes me feel calm


43. I really get into the game


*Notice! This is an instruction box, you are not required to give answer in this box*

For the following description of purchasing intention, please choose the corresponding number based on your true feelings.

Clear selection

44. I am likely to purchase video games in the future

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

45.  I am interested in buying a video game in the near future (i.e. next 3 months)

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

46. I will definitely buy video games in the near future (i.e. next 3 months)

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Thank you for participating!

If you are interested in the results of the survey and the progress of the research, please join this Dicord channel using the link: Data of the survey and results will be published there in the future.

Please send a link to this survey to your friends who love videogames! :D
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