Snowball Committee Application 2023
Below is a list of roles on the Selwyn Snowball committee for 2023. Your application will be considered for all of the roles you select, so please just use one application form.  

Further Inquiries: Hassan - & Tom Concannon -

Executive Committee Roles:

Creative Director (x1)
The Creative Director is given the responsibility of deciding on and executing ideas regarding the ball. They will work with the Co-Presidents to decide on the theme and how this will be implemented across the event, as well as meeting with the relevant college members to communicate the plan and develop the main attractions. The Creative Director leads the officers responsible for entertainment, decorations and graphics.

Other Committee Roles:

Logistics (x2)
The Logistics Officers are responsible for ensuring the ball runs as smoothly as possible. They play an integral role in setting up, planning the organisation of furniture and working with various other members of the committee in preparation for the big night. Logistics is also in charge of the clean-up operation following the ball and coordinating with external contractors in this regard. They also assist with sustainability and access and will consult the committee on how best to go about making sure that the snowball is as green and open as possible.The bulk of the workload will be in Michaelmas term.

Security (x1)
The Security Officer is in charge of making security arrangements in preparation for the ball, and for overseeing security on the night. Liaising with the porters is a key part of this role, as they are the primary source of security provisions. The Security officer is also responsible for organising radios and any other provisions to ensure smooth communication between committee members, staff, and student workers on the night.

Personnel (x1)
The Personnel Officer manages the student workers working in the lead up to, as well as on the night of the ball. They are responsible for student worker applications and interviews as well as organising the necessary training that staff and committee members must undergo ahead of the event. Personnel is also involved in the setup and clean-up operations so will work closely with other committee members, especially the Logistics Officer. The majority of the work for this role is in Michaelmas term.

Static Ents (x1)
The Static Ents Officers are responsible for planning and overseeing the static entertainment for the ball (silent disco, casino etc. – anything aside from live music). They will work under the supervision of the Creative Director, liaising with college staff and external contractors to hire and install the Static Ents, and ensuring everything runs smoothly on the night. Much of the planning for this role can be carried out over the summer.

Graphics (x1)
The Graphics Officer is responsible for the design scheme used across the entire event: posters, programmes, tickets, wristbands etc. This involves the important jobs of creating a logo and poster for the ball, once the theme has been decided upon, supported by the Creative Director. The Graphics officer will also be expected to assist with the online communications that the event involves (Snowball website and Facebook and Instagram pages).  

Technical Operations (x1)
The Technical Operations officer is responsible for the development of the Snowball website and ticketing system. They must work closely with the Exec Committee to update the website design and create the process for guests to purchase tickets. 

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Please briefly describe your experience/interest/skills relevant to the role
Are there any other roles you would consider? If so, please tick them below *
Do you intend on going to the Varsity Ski Trip in 2023? *
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