Ft. Meade Museum and Historical Research Association Annual Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Ft. Meade Museum and Historical Research Association. Please fill out the following information. Once you have completed the application, please proceed to the gifting opportunity section and purchase your membership and card. Once the Museum staff sees you have purchased your membership, you will be sent your membership card.
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Name (First and Last) *
Current Mailing Address *
City, State, Zip Code *
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Phone Number *
Spouse Name (If Joint Membership)
Type of Membership (Purchase at Online Gift Shop) *
Individual: Museum access upon presentation of valid membership card. Student: museum access upon presentation of valid membership card.                                                                            Family: Museum access of all immediate family members with presentation of a valid family membership card.                          Grandparent: Museum access of multiple sets of grandparents with presentation of grandparent's membership card.          **Note: Cardholder must present and qualifying grandchildren (grands) are under the age of 17**                                Lifetime Membership: Individual museum access for life.                                                                                                     Corporate Sponsor: 40 individual one-time passes, recognition of your organization as a sponsor on the Fort Meade Museum's official website as well as Facebook and a link to your organizations website. All memberships come with a subscription to the Museum newsletter. Delivered via email or regular post.
How would you like to receive our newsletter? *
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