HI HOSA SLC 2021 - Online Entry Form
Please submit LINKS for online competitive event entries here BEFORE 11:59pm on 2/1/2021.  

✅ Document files must have ALL elements on a SINGLE PDF FILE (e.g. 3 photos + 3 descriptions + permission forms = HCP file). [Google Drive recommended]
✅ Videos must be in .mp4 format. [Youtube or Google Drive recommended]  
✅ Make sure file links are for PDF files and accessible to "anyone with the link can view" (Google Drive) and "public"/"not for kids" (Youtube).
✅ Test links with devices that do not share same school/organizational/account access.  
⚠️Inaccessible and non-PDF links will NOT be judged and will be awarded zero points.
⚠️Submit only ONE entry per team (for team events).
Email *
First name *
Last name *
ALL team member LAST names in alpha order  (lastname, lastname, etc.)
Participant ID number *
Team ID number (if team event)
Chapter/School *
Division (MS = Middle School, SS = High School, PS = Post-Secondary/Collegiate)
Clear selection
Event *
✅ Files must have ALL elements on a SINGLE PDF FILE (example:  3 photos + 3 descriptions + permission forms = HCP file). [Google Drive recommended]
✅Videos must be in .mp4 format. [Youtube or Google Drive recommended]  
✅Make sure file links are for PDF files and accessible to "ANYONE WITH THE LINK CAN VIEW" (Google Drive) and "public"/"not for kids" (Youtube).
✅TEST link accessibility with devices that do not share same school/organizational/account type.  
⚠️Inaccessible and non-PDF links will NOT be judged and will be awarded zero points.
⚠️Submit only ONE entry per team (for team events).
How to save a word file as a PDF -  https://youtu.be/3Y-GeTi472A?t=45

How to merge PDF documents - https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-combine-multiple-pdfs-into-one-document/

Share to “anyone with the link” in Google - https://youtu.be/pLP6dJyjsc4

Share to “anyone with the link” in Google - https://support.google.com/drive/answer/2494822?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

How to sign in to Youtube - https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/69961?hl=en#:~:text=To%20sign%20in%20to%20YouTube,videos%2C%20comments%2C%20and%20subscriptions.

How to upload a video to Youtube *- https://youtu.be/H8yrblAj-V4
(* remember to choose not for kids and public)

How to upload a video in Youtube - https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/57407
📄🔗 PDF FILE LINK (portfolios, documents, forms - ALL pages on 1 PDF file)
🎦🔗 VIDEO 2 LINK (30-second PSA and Clinical Specialty skill ONLY)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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