HeadStarter IDO & INO Application Form
This form is to be filled in by project owners intending to be crowdfund their web3 project through Headstarter.
This form represents the first step in the vetting process.
DO NOT submit this form if you are looking to participate as an investor in IDO/INOs.
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Application type *
Your email *
Contact person *
Project name *
Brief description of the project *
Website URL *
Twitter handle *
Github repository (or another link to your open source code) *
Other social media channels (Telegram / Medium / Discord / Reddit / etc) *
Unique value proposition *
Whitepaper/light paper/one pager URLs
Please select the Web3 vertical category(s) applicable to your project
Who are your target users? (e.g. enterprise, consumers, retailers, professional investors etc)
Why do you think a native token is necessary for your Project?
What level of development have you already achieved? (e.g. Idea/MVP/Alpha/Beta/Testnet/Mainnet)?
What stage is the project from marketing perspective? (concept/stealth mode/public/etc.)
Have you raised funds so far? How much and how?
What is your project's added value to the Hedera Hashgraph ecosystem?
Thank you for your application. Are there any additional notes you want to mention?
How did you hear about HeadStarter?
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