ScalaBridge Season 3 Sign-up
This form gives us information about attendees that we need to plan the ScalaBridge season. This form is for both students and mentors.
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Email *
Name *
Are you joining as a student or a mentor? *
What are your goals in joining ScalaBridge?
What is your level of programming knowledge? *
If you are joining as a student, what topic do you think you'll start at? Please see our curriculum page at and enter a topic such as "Expressions, Types, and Values" below. This helps mentors prepare.
Please give us some details on your programming knowledge (for example, languages you are familiar with). This will help us form groups of students with a similar background
Do you have experience with Scala or another functional programming language (such as Haskell, Scheme, or ML)?
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ScalaBridge is open to students from groups that are currently under-represented in the technology industry
You may qualify due to gender, nationality, race, ethnicity, sexuality and sexual orientation, disability, age, socio-economic background, or some other characteristic.
Are you a member of a group that is under-represented within the technology industry? *
Do you agree to follow our Code of Conduct? *
If you have any comments for the organisers please add them here
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