Instruction & Authorisation for the Administration of Medicine in School
Please complete and submit when medication is sent to school with your child.
By submitting this form I hereby authorise the Head Teacher or person authorised by the Head Teacher to administer the medication detailed below.  If any changes in the medication are prescribed I will notify the Head Teacher immediately.
I understand that the person who administers the medication will not be medically trained and that it is not part of their obligations under their contract of employment.
I confirm that I will be responsible for the provision of the medication, whenever required, in an appropriate container bearing a clear label showing -
  • The name of the medication
  • The name of the patient
  • The dosage
  • Specific directions for administration
  • Related precautions
  • The name of the dispensing pharmacy/doctor
  • The date of issue or the expiry date.
I confirm that I will be responsible for ensuring the medication has not expired.
I understand that the Head Teacher and school staff will take such care as would a reasonable prudent parent and I confirm that I will not hold the Governors, school staff or Education Authority responsible for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the administration of this medicine.
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Email *
Child's First and Last Name *
Child's Class *
Child's Date of Birth *
Your First and Last Name *
Your Relationship to the Child *
Name of Medication *
Type of Medication *
Dose Required
Number of millilitres/tablets etc
Time to be Administered *
Possible Side Effects
Is this a long term medication? *
Does medicine need to be returned home each day? *
What date will the treatment finish, if applicable?
Any other comments
Please use this space to provide any further information which you feel necessary.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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