Host a Roundtable Session at SteemFest 2019
Back this year are the intimate roundtable sessions, joined by max 9 attendees, and hosted by any fellow attendee like yourself. During these 45-60 minutes sessions  you’ll share your knowledge, experience, and best practices with peers while building upon each other’s expertise.

To apply for hosting a roundtable session on Conference Day 1 or 2 please supply the following information. You will then be included your session on the SteemFest program for the RoundTable Sessions.

Important remarks:


Most importantly to understand is that these Roundtable Sessions of a way for a deeper dive into a topic than is possible on a keynote stage.

What is your story?
When brainstorming, honing and submitting your session pitch, try to think about the following:

• What topic is your session about? Why is it important?
• How and why will it inspire, engage, motivate and affect people?
• What new skills or knowledge will your participants leave with?

Try to answer these questions with your session description while keeping it catchy and concise – less than 300 characters if possible. Above all,
keep the SteemFest audience in mind to get a good chance of being selected.


Mini Lecture / Workshop
Call it how you will: a crash course, a 101 with an industry expert, a workshop or a minilecture. Attendees that sign up for these sessions are eager to learn from your expertise and experience, so the focus is on sharing your knowledge and answering their questions.

Debate club
Dive deeper into a topic with like-minded professionals, building upon each other’s expertise. At a Debate Club type of session, everyone at the table will be sharing their opinions, best practices or challenges, and the conversation is built upon that. Your job is to introduce the topics, get the conversation going and make sure everyone at the table gets a say.


What does it take to be a Roundtable speaker?

Although there’s not one perfect recipe for success, there are a few pointers that can help you get through the border security:

• Make it tangible. What are the practical insights attendees will takeaway from your session?
• This is not a product pitch. You’re here to share your knowledge, experience and best practices, and connect with like-minded attendees.
• Choose wisely. Which format (mini-lecture or debate club) fits your topic & angle best? Kill your darlings and make sure you have time to go deep, answer questions and connect with the people at your table.
• Think about your desired audience. Who’s going to add as much to the conversation as they will benefit from it?
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Roundtable Session Title *
Session Description *
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