Fill this form with your skills and interests so as to have you in mind for our upcoming projects!
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Name and Surname *
Email *
Phone number *
Are you OK to be contacted via WattsApp? *
Linkedin *
Where are you based? If you are traveling let us know your most common places *
Are you interested in shorter gigs (eg. mentor at a lab for 2-3 days, normally in person and related to methodology and facilitator of events) or longer term projects (1-3 months, part time or full time, remote) *
Are you already a freelance? *
Your main skills *
If you marked other, please elaborate :) *
What are your main interests in terms of topics *
If you marked other, please elaborate *
What are your main interests in terms of tasks *
If you marked other, please elaborate *
How did you hear about us? *
Anything else you would like to tell us? *
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