North Charlotte Student Work
We are offering both full and part-time work for students all across the North Charlotte area. The positions are extremely flexible, so it's not a problem for students to work around classes or previous commitments. Please review the position description below, and fill out the application. One of our managers will reach out and give you some more details shortly!

- Setting appointments
- Meeting one-on-one with customers
- Presenting products called Cutco cutlery
- Answering questions
- Helping place orders

- Two-part pay program
     - $20 base pay not based on sales or results
     - Incentive pay with an opportunity to earn more based on performance
- Flexible schedule
- Enhanced communication skills
- Résumé builder
- Scholarship opportunities
- Room for advancement based on performance
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First name *
Last name *
Phone Number *
(###) ###-####
How did you hear about the position? *
Extent of Education *
If you are currently in school, where do you attend? *
What is your major?
(If college student)
Which of the following are you most motivated by? *
Interests *
Activities you are currently or were previously involved in (sports, clubs, academics, etc.)
Do you know someone who currently works with us?
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