6/24 Maine March on Hannaford Transportation Coordination / Coordinación de Transporte
Please fill out this form to reserve a seat on a bus leaving from Vermont for the June 24th Maine March on Hannaford (even if you already filled out the initial Pledge form).

The bus will be leaving from Burlington at 9am and stopping in Montpelier and White River Junction. It will return before midnight on Saturday night. Food will be provided throughout the trip. See below for details on time.

No payment is required, though we will gratefully accept donations (or you could buy a Migrant Justice sweatshirt to wear on the march!).

If you're NOT planning to come on one of the buses from VT, the march will start from the Back Cove Trail Parking Lot, Portland, ME. We will meet there at 2pm. See facebook event for details: https://www.facebook.com/events/184514827896776/ 
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Name / Nombre *
Phone Number / Número de Teléfono *
Town or City / Pueblo o Cuidad *
State / Estado *
Would you like a seat on the bus from Vermont? / Reservamos un asiento en el bus de Vermont para ti? *
We have three stops. Please choose the one where we'll pick you up / Tenemos tres paradas. Por favor escoge una en la cual te recogemos
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Some details about the bus trip...
We will provide meals throughout the day: breakfast in Burlington for those who arrive before 9; lunch on the bus around midday, and dinner after the march (about 6pm).

We are planning on getting to Portland around 2pm. The march route is 3 miles long. The action will end with a meal in a park around 5pm.

After dinner we will get back on the buses to head home. We will drop folks off in White River around 9pm, Montpelier around 10pm and Burlington around 11pm.
If you need transportation and are NOT coming from Vermont or the Upper Valley region, please let us know here / Si necesitas transporte y NO vienes de Vermont o cerca, porfa avisanos aqui
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Are you interested in helping out with a volunteer role during the march? We need support with things like: passing out (and then collecting) posters/signs for the march, handing out fliers, serving food, helping with parking and passing around signup sheets. Also, if you have experience with march marshaling or being a police liaison, please let us know.  
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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