Hi there!
If you are a busy professional and thinking about losing weight, trying to lose weight, in the process of losing weight, or struggling to lose weight -- please take this short survey. You will be helping me include vital information for my upcoming Masterclass project. Everything is totally confidential, and I will not share your personal results with anyone.
Thank you in advance! You all are my heroes!
Dr. Nicolle
P.S. Time is of essence. The sooner the better. (It's short. I promise.)

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Are you male or female? *
What is your age? *
If you are overweight, how long have you been overweight? *
Have you tried to lose the weight before? *
When it comes to weight loss, what are your biggest challenges? (select all that apply) *
What are your primary motivators to lose weight? (select all that apply) *
What weight loss programs have you tried in the past? (select all that apply) *
When you have been successful in losing weight, what was the main reason? (select all that apply) *
Why do you want to lose the weight now? (Select all that apply) *
Which reason is number one? *
If I could support you in overcoming your top 3 challenges, how do you prefer to receive support? (Select all that apply) *
When it comes to learning about weight loss and weight management, what are the specific topic areas you want to learn more about? (Select all that apply) *
If you could have any question answered about weight loss, what would it be?
If I prepared an online course for this, would you like to be notified? *
To thank you for your feedback, I’d like to provide you with some free training around the top 3 challenges that we uncover through this survey. Please leave your name and email address below if you’d like access to this free training. If you’d prefer to stay anonymous, simply hit “FINISH”. Thank you so much for your time!
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