DCK September 2024 Term
We are happy to welcome you to the September term in the school year 2024/25 for classes at the DCK studios.

*Please note that our Rosslyn studio is moving to the New Muthaiga Mall located on Thigiri Ridge before the beginning of the September Term.

2nd September – 7th December
Half Term will be from 13th – 19th October
Ballet Company Auditions 31st August 
Nutcracker Auditions 1st September
The Tales of Mother Goose 6th & 10th October
The Nutcracker 2024 November 22nd - 24th, November 30th & December 1st

September is the beginning of our school year, this means that the schedules have changed quite a lot compared to last term. This is done in an effort to give all students access to the correct classes, with students moving up to the next level and others remaining. All students will receive recommendations from their respective teachers via WhatsApp regarding classes they can sign up for in the September term. If you have not received this information by July 19, 2024, please contact us.

If you would like to see the full weekly schedules please visit: 

For new students, please see here the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) recommended Minimum Ages:

Pre-Primary – 5 years
Primary – 6 years
Grade 1 up to Grade 5 – 7 years +
It is required for students who are in GRADE 1 and above to take ballet twice a week, so that they can be well prepared when it is time for the exams. Also, we are encouraging all pointe students to not only take the two ballet classes a week but also two pointe classes when possible and we highly recommend that the vocational students make the effort to take classes like Musical Theatre, Contemporary, Hip Hop, and Tap to broaden their training.

It is required for students who are in LEVEL 4, 5 and 6 gymnastics to take gymnastics twice a week and for the other levels this is also strongly recommended. Please note that it is mandatory to purchase specific gymnastics attire for the specific gymnastics levels, kindly contact the studios for more information.

COMPANY Auditions will be held at the Lavington Studio on the 31st of August. The requirements for joining the ballet company are a minimum of 2 ballet classes per week and 1 other dance style technique class (tap, jazz, contemporary, musical theatre, hip hop, dance mix, etc.) For Senior Company ladies, there is also a minimum of 1 pointe class per week, and at least one full year on pointe, and for gentlemen a minimum of one pas de deux class per week. All company members are awarded automatic invitation to join pas de deux classes. It is important to note that if your child is signing up for the company, they are automatically signed up for the Nutcracker auditions. As a company member, participation in Nutcracker is required.  Please note that while these dancers are required to come for both company and Nutcracker auditions, they only need to pay the Company audition fee. For more information on company auditions, please visit:

NUTCRACKER Auditions will be held at the Lavington Studio on the 1st of September. All dancers should arrive 30 minutes prior to audition to check-in and warm up. Dancers who are not ready at their designated times will not be allowed to participate, so please be on time. Dancers should be in proper ballet attire with a KES 3000  audition fee to be paid via mpesa in advance. For more information on Nutcracker auditions, please visit:

Limited spaces available, please register now by filling out this form (one student per form please, even for siblings) and make payment:

Direct Transfer to The Dance Centre Limited
Ac No. 00801048881210 I&M Bank Karen Sort Code: 57008
M-Pesa: Pay Bill - Business No. 4122761 Acc. No. STUDENT's First and Last Name

***Fees are capped at KES 75000 (This is meant for students who take more than 5 hours of class a week)

***Early Bird Promotion for Students on Capped Fees!! Sign up now and pay for your Capped Fees before August 10th 2024 and pay only: KES 70000!!

All payments must be made before your first class. Dance Centre Kenya retains the right to exclude students for non-payment of fees.

Sibling Discount: 10% percent off of the second highest bill and 20% off of the third highest bill.

Please note that fees cannot be refunded, when a class is missed.

For more information: 0796370937 or email: info@dancecentre.co.ke 
We hope to see you soon!

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Student's First & Middle Name(s) *
Student's Surname *
Date of Birth of the Student *
What is the gender of the student
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Which academic school does your child attend? *
Sibling Discount - if you are signing up more than one child you will get 10% percent off of the second highest bill and 20% off of the third highest bill.
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Parent's/Guardian's First Name *
Parent's/Guardian's Surname *
Parent's Mobile Phone Number *
Please use + followed by country code (eg.: +254796370937)
WhatsApp number (Only fill this out if it's different from parent's phone number filled above)
Please use + followed by country code (eg.: +254796370937)
DCK runs a scholarship program for students who are not able to afford to pay for their classes. Would you be interested in becoming a contributor? *
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