ELNS Fall 2024 Registration
Pint-Size Painters is coming to ELNS this fall and we can't wait to start creating with your child! Join us on Thursdays as we explore various mediums including jewelry, oil pastels, clay, paper maché, and more! Your student will bring home mini masterpieces that are sure to make your family go WOW! Each project is based on a different element of design or mainstream art movement, which we will talk about as a group before we start creating. Students will see examples from famous artists to serve as inspiration for their own work. 

Space is limited, register today! We can't wait to see your little artist in class!

Thursdays, September 12 - November 14
12:45-1:30 PM
$160 includes all art supplies

Creating art with little ones can sometimes get messy. We promise to wear smocks and do our best to keep our Pint Size Painters clean, but it may be a good idea to send your child to school in clothes that you don't mind them getting messy in on Thursdays. 

Questions: email Stephanie Fox, afoxnamedsteph@gmail.com

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Student Date of Birth *
ELNS Class Color  *
May we use your student's photo for advertising? Names will never be shared with photos.
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Please select your payment option. The 10-week enrollment fee is $160, includes all supplies, and is due by September 9, 2024.
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