No Contact Homebound Delivery Service
For those who can not get out to the library due to COVID or physical conditions, Ms. Shanna will drop items off to you!

All deliveries will be made on Mondays starting at 10 am.

These deliveries will be strictly no contact. Items will be placed in a bag(s) and left next to a door or other designated place.
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Name *
Library Card Number *
Phone Number *
Item #1 (Title and author, please)
Item #2  (Title and author, please)
Item #3 (Please include author)
Item #4  (Title and author, please)
Item #5  (Title and author, please)
Item #6  (Title and author, please)
Item #7  (Title and author, please)
Item #8  (Title and author, please)
Item #9  (Title and author, please)
Item #10  (Title and author, please)
What Time would you like this delivery made?
Column 1
10:00 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
Other -Ms. Shanna will contact you.
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Any messages or notes Ms. Shanna needs to know?
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