Press Pass Application
An Altered Reality press pass entitles you to complimentary access to an event(s) of your choice for the entire length of the event. No further admission is required. To be approved for a press pass, you must over 18 and be directly affiliated with a news outlet, which includes mainstream broadcast radio or television, print or online newspaper or magazine, or podcasts.

Outlets applying for credentials must be in operation for no less than a year. Press credentials will only be considered for outlets with social media accounts with NO LESS than a combined 50,000 likes/followers/subscribers from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube.  APPROVED NEWS OUTLETS WILL BE GRANTED TWO BADGES PER OUTLET.

Applicants agree to the following Rules of Conduct:
1. Agree to act in a professional manner at all times.
2. Approved members of the press are NOT employees or volunteers of Altered Reality Entertainment.
3. Requesting personal contact info for guests and offering them appearances at other shows or events is prohibited.
4. Requests for free autographs is not permitted.
5. Requests for free photo ops with guests is not permitted.
6. Press passes do not guarantee interviews with guests. Requests for interviews, while not guaranteed, should be filtered through the press relations manager. We respectfully ask that you NOT contact the guest directly. Interviews will NOT be conducted during the event weekend.
7. Press passes are not to be offered or sold to anyone.
8. Candid photography without a guest's permission is not allowed.
9. Any photos taken at the event must not bear the event or Altered Reality Entertainment's logo without written permission.
10. Photos taken at an Altered Reality Entertainment event are not to be sold to a third party.

Press passes can be revoked at anytime if deemed necessary.

Applicants will receive notification of the status of their request as soon as possible.

Questions regarding application can be sent to Susan Soares at

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