Script Sessions 2025
Script Sessions are very relaxed and informal table reads of new plays in development. They are the perfect chance for you to join discussions on new writing and flex your creative muscles in a supportive and safe environment. Script Sessions give the opportunity for:

Writers - to hear your work out loud and receive valuable feedback on early drafts of your work
Actors - to practise your table reading skills, particularly sight reading and give feedback on new work 
Director & Designers - to share your creative vision for the play, offer feedback and creative ideas
EVERYONE - to network with other creatives, build connections and collaborate together

Please note you must be a Masterclass member to participate. You can find out more and sign up for FREE here. Script Sessions are closed sessions, Masterclass members must have a confirmation email to attend. Script Sessions are free to attend, and are not paid opportunities. 
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Are you a Masterclass member?  *
What is your full name?  *
What is your email address?
Where are you based? (We don't need your full address, just the first 4 characters of your postcode. Our in-person Script Sessions are held in Central London but sometimes we hold sessions online so it is great to prioritise actors based outside of London for these.)
How do you describe the gender you best identify with? If you'd rather not say, that's ok. You can put 'Prefer not to say'.
How do you describe your ethnicity? If you'd rather not say, that's ok. You can put 'Prefer not to say'.
Do you have any access requirements you would like us to be aware of?
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How are you looking to get involved in Script Sessions?
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