Volunteer with Kuluntu Bakery!
Kuluntu Bakery is moving towards the goal of opening a brick and mortar bakery and community space that will be focused on co-creating a more equitable food system and community by connecting the food industry, consumers and partners to center women and humanize all food workers.

With community at the heart of our mission, we welcome you to engage with Kuluntu's work in ways that feel most meaningful. We seek partnership in the areas below and invite skills, talents and time not listed.

- Communication: Branding, social media (content and design), website management
- Health & Wellness Services: This spring, we plan to launch our first programmatic activity -- a wellness event for women in the food service industry. We are looking for health and wellness professionals who would be able to offer their services at no or low charge for an event that lasts about two hours. Examples: masseuse,  yoga & meditation, chiropractor, doctors or nurses to perform basic wellness checks, somatic therapists, etc. 
Venue: Physical space to host various events.
- Translation Services: Primarily Spanish.
- Event Support and Project Management: Event support and project planning.
Community Connector: Connect Kuluntu to your food service industry and nonprofit networks.
- Architect & Interior Design: Help us design our dream bakery and community space where we will carry out our mission. 
- Lawyer: Commercial real estate and nonprofit organizations.

We will be in touch with you soon! Thank you.

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